Day and night. Real time.

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    • Day and night. Real time.

      Good afternoon :

      Many times while playing world war maps I been thinking about the idea of adding day and night to the scenario in real time. But what could be the purpose of day and night?

      -Adding day and night could not only make users feel more inmerge into the game, but also could open a lot of new strategies just like in Heart of Iron. I'll bring some examples :

      Airplanes and other large ranges units could lose some precision and potencial during the evening time. Bombards could make less damage in cities and troops. However short range troops could be benefit from it. At the same time we can unlock new troops that are ready to fight in the evening. Specializes forces.
    • 1 day on a normal map equates to abaout half a year, it equals 1 hour ingame more than 7 days.

      .. what value / benefit would then actually represented by day / night change or even weather / climatic conditions,
      since merely every hour one fight tick occurs ..?

      .. it would be just another, separate X-factor >>
      whether it's now a spring-morning, summer-day, autumn-evening or winter-night at the moment when a unit / army is
      next shooting ..

      .. and all such things as e.g. unfavorable weather / clime, blizzards, cloudbursts, morning dew, glaring sun, full moon, abrupt night blindness, fear in the dark, fail shots, sudden engine damages or axle breaks, unpredictable very experienced opponents, ambushes, diarrhea epidemic, low morale / lack of concentration due to poor breakfast or too little sleep (or whatever), tangled fishing lines, torpedo failings, drunken officers, the afterglow (later then), arrogance mentality and underestimation of the opponent, lost lucky charms, etc. are allready abstract simulated by the unpredictable great X-factor.

      Browser games are an ingenious business idea to lure out money ..
      ..... >> more or less cleverly camouflaged as a real game <<
      .... .. so beware of caltrops, spring-guns and booby traps. :00008185:
      Warning! Texts above this signature may contain traces of irony! :D