Playing for me?

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    • Most maps when a player leaves for two days, he goes 'inactive'. At that point CoW assigns you an AI player that plays for you ... Also, if you are part of a coalition, CoW app kicks you out if you go inactive- and you'll have to reapply to the coalition if your spot was not taken ... Upon your return to play, the AI player goes inactive and control goes back to you ... By the way, I had a rival in my current game (39 historical map) that had France. He was gone for nearly two days, and and ally and I took over his country. You got lucky that you did not have any aggressive neighbors while you were gone ... If you want to win games, my recommendation is that you get on line at least 2-3 times a day for a few minutes ... In a previous game (tutorial map), some fellow who had Germany attacked me and left his game unattended ... I took Berlin and over half of Germany in just 12 hours of counterattack.

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