1944 endgame

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    • 1944 endgame

      For real can you literally get rid of the three player one country feature it's god awful like I joined a few matches as Germany and center and west keeps going inactive and it's hurting my stats and I'm tired of joining this game and my allies going inactive it's annoying why hasn't it been fixed yet like the map is still broken the third time this map has been around like FIX IT it's gonna be broken till you get rid of three players one country feature this is just angering me now
    • The 1944 is the worst scenario to put people into that are not already part of an active team.
      With even a 33% drop out rate you wind up with outrageous imbalances.

      The game should be a either a 3 player game or a team only game.
      No new players should be put into it as it a fast burn out.