Historical world war map: unfair

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    • Historical world war map: unfair

      Historical world war map is unfair
      For some reason:USA is low on low in the historical world war map, but this was NOT true, in ww2, USA never ran our of oil,
      China: low on food?!, since when was ww2 China was low on food?
      Germany: low on oil, well, germany was only low on oil after 1943, and the map takes place on 1939
      Ussr: NO economic problem?! What?....?
    • Greetings Mr. Krai,

      I have played that map many times to finish off my Achievements. I have played many different countries including the countries you have mentioned in this map but by far, I like starting from South America the best.

      In all fairness to what you are saying, the reasoning behind the problems you listed are simple.

      USA: Very Large Navy which uses more oil than anything else in the game.
      China: Food Problem is a problems for all nations that actually expand due to the consumption of Food by Citizens. This is a problem in the game itself not the map. But China has a larger military as well. Not as large as some other nations but still, that size military is going to cause problems.
      Germany: It has the largest and fiercest Military of all nations. Most everything it has takes oil.
      USSR: All nations start out the same when it comes to Moral which directly effects your economy. How you manage it from there will determine your economic success or failure which I am sure you know.

      The biggest problem I found, at least starting in South America was the lack of goods and the drastic fall of the intake when expanding. Even when you took a province that had goods in it, your intake would drop. It was a constant battle and I could never keep my intake above 600 per hour.

      Just the same, if a player knows how to overcome their shortfalls, they will succeed in their economy. But that goes with any map.

      What I share with you sir is only my simple take on things in this map. Many, including you may disagree but it is not meant to be disrespectful to you in any way.

      I rarely ever build a Navy due to the oil consumption it takes to maintain it. I always make sure I am building Infrastructure in my Food provinces so I never out build my food consumption with my military. I also give a high priority to building up my core resource producing provinces as they pay out 100%. I have taken over many nations even after day 15 and found that all of their IC provinces were still at level 1. Many players just think the game is all about who can build the biggest military and then play demolition derby.

      I hope this helps and you don't take my reply in a bad way.

      Much respect to you sir,

      General cdub
    • Khabarovsk krai wrote:

      Historical world war map is unfair
      For some reason:USA is low on low in the historical world war map, but this was NOT true, in ww2, USA never ran our of oil,
      China: low on food?!, since when was ww2 China was low on food?
      Germany: low on oil, well, germany was only low on oil after 1943, and the map takes place on 1939
      Ussr: NO economic problem?! What?....?
      First, I like the "unfair", from someone who clearly played a lot of major powers :).

      China had famine issues that accounted for 25% to 33% of their WW2 war-related death.

      Germany was low on oil from day one as they have no or minimal domestic production. Their solution was to stock-up before the war by buying or trading (which you can do), to get Romanian oil during the war (which you can do), to ely on horses (and trains) rather than motor for their transportation system (which you can do when choosing foot infantry / arty / AT) and by making synthetic oil (which I like to assume is what happen when you upgrade the German refinery.

      US should have enough oil to run its fleet with a surplus, so OK.

      I never played USSR (or the other 3) but I am sure they have their own economic problems.
    • ussr has strong economy only for ww2 feeling, ussr can easily lose half most important provinces and still strike back.

      And ussr has great disadvantages at beginning. Low research tec, weak strikeforces and long long long long long borders to enemies or hypothetical enemies. USSR without an economical buff would be unplayeble. With it it one of best countris. I won with USSR two times of two trys, while i killed ussr players each ti e if i was not ussr. It is good ballanced country, diplomatic relation is very important for gameplay with it. Italia and Germany are easier to play without diplomaty, than ussr.
    • The historical map is not intended to be balanced or fair. It is designed to mimic certain historical conditions. While you may think that the USA had a huge standing army and a robust economy in 1939 the truth is that the USA was woefully unprepared having a tiny army and while there was some activity exporting war materials the amount of construction needed to transform the USA into a war machine was remarkable.
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

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    • Khabarovsk krai wrote:

      in ww2, USA never ran our of oil,
      Gasoline was rationed during the WW2 era. The average vehicle was only allotted 3 or 4 gallons of gas per week.
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

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    • Hah! World powers are unfair? I'm lucky if I can get a country above 50 points, let alone 150.

      In any case, and I'm sure this has been said, history isn't fair. Larger countries usually have larger armies, and larger armies have repercussions in terms of resources.

      And in case you didn't know, China had a serious food problem. They had the largest population, AND they were being looted by the Japanese.

      My favorite country pick, contrary to popular opinion, is actually Tibet. 5 industrial complexes, 2 food, 2 goods, 2 rare, 2 steel, and a mediocre oil province which you will replace. The beauty of this country comes with its difficulty to invade. Hilly terrain + only militia military? You're gonna have a bad time.

      Or if mediocre oil isn't for you, how about Persia, which trades a steel for another oil province?

      The point I'm trying to make is you really shouldn't stress yourself over "accuracy" or "fairness." You will get neither in Call of War. Bytro is more concerned with a functional, balanced-for-the-most-part game. If a country feels broken or unfair, beat it with the economic hammer of building stuff until it is fair. It's what I have to do all the time. And you know what? I still win games.
    • TBH, I read @Khabarovsk krai's idea on new maps. So you want China/Russia/US/Germany to be the major powers that have nukes?? :| Well rethink about that, you are Poland and 2nd day in the game, Germany nukes your frontlines. You get mad and then that map will be unfair for you. If you are Germany, you will be happy as hell. :P That is definitely not balanced and unfair that is why realistically creating maps are difficult
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