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    • In some instances some players, like myself, would rather wait for a few days before joining an alliance (e.g. tutorial game, 39 historical map, etc.).

      The only exception for me so far is my first Endgame 1944 scenario, where I chose country at random and find myself fighting as German Army Group Center- allied automatically with German Army Group West and German Army Group South. The nine countries (3 Western Allies, 3 German groups, and 3 Russian fronts) seemed balanced compared to the 39 historical map. I'm in day 2, and I'm already at war with the Belorussian front, who was aggressively patrolling air units- including a bomber- over one of my most populous cities ... 8)
    • The one on the right. The moment you press, invite will be sent. Go to alliance homepage and you will see it at the bottom where you can revoke it.
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      Training Alliance United Leader