City label background

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    • City label background

      I find the translucent background of city labels to be too opaque; that is, they are not translucent enough. I have trouble reading the map and unit info behind the labels.

      I suggest making the label background MUCH more translucent... like, just a hint of opacity. Or, do away with the background completely.

      Another idea is to bring to the front whatever is behind the background and the text of the label, when the mouse pointer hovers over the city-label. That is, to push the label text and background behind/lower than the map and unit info.

      I think being able to see clearly the resources and units under/behind the label would make reading the map much easier, and make the game more enjoyable.
      But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
      Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces
      That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.

      - Lord Byron