The 25 player world map

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    • The 25 player world map

      No.5 - The 25 player world map or “We really want to play the real thing!”

      Sebastian Teuber, current CoW Producer and back in 2015 Business developer for Bytro and game designer of CoW:

      “I love WW2 strategy games and probably played them all, even the cheesy ones. What I love most is to play any country and lead it to victory, whatever that means. Conquering Europe as Luxembourg, I would be all in for that.

      Some of you might not know this, but Call of War did not have a historical world map for a long period of time and had good reasons not to have one back in the days.
      Creating a map from scratch took weeks in the best case and months for bigger ones. We already had such a huge backlog with maps we wanted to have that we just never got around to it. The historical world mapalways fell short as it had severe issues.

      First of all back in 2015 we were not able to have a system for a continuous map. And not being able to sail from San Francisco straight through the Pacific to invade Japan was a real no go. Secondly the map had to be imbalanced and until then we always wanted equally balanced maps as we believed that those offered players the best possible experience.

      But as time passed on we had the first balanced world map live and thereby solved the continuous scrolling issue for good. And that opened the door for us.
      Rather than doing this during work hours our mapmaker (yes we had one specific person just doing that) and some other people worked on the side to get this map done.
      It took us months to get a playable version. Still we were not sure if the map would make the cut as we had no idea whether players would accept the map or how it would perform in the end.

      Long story short: It worked out and finally not only you, but also many people here at Bytro could play the game the way they always wanted to play it!

      PS: Playing Luxembourg still sucks…”
      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War
    • I remembered when I got into frontline pioneer and they released a new map to beta test, the 25 players historic map. Ouch that's almost 4 years ago, that long already? My sense of time is messed a little bit lol, didn't even realized CoW was a bit over year old when I first joined.
    • maldrid wrote:

      Great Autobiography - and rise to fame of Call of War story. But, what is "Dawn of the Patriot"
      "Dawn of the Patriot" is another event in Call of War. In this scenraio the US are patially occupied by Japan (West coast) and Germany (East coast) and three teams of players with ten players each fight for the control of the USA.
      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War