Does the Patrol Trick Still Work?

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    • Does the Patrol Trick Still Work?

      So I'm facing a really competent opponent currently, and in our air battles, I have decided to use the patrol trick (basically I re-patrol my planes every 15 mins or less so their patrol tick won't happen so my planes won't take any damage). Just wondering, does it still work?
      "As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable." Albert Einstein

      "Giving up is not an option in war, for it proves one's incapability and incompetence as a leader." - Me (Little Racoon)
    • It depends:

      You can figure up the damage that will happen on each side when they have a patrol tick, and then when you have a patrol tick, and see which one is better or worse for your planes

      In my opinion, just let yours patrol and forget about micromanaging them.
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

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