Best strategies for ground fighting?

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    • Contrary to most first moves I see, it is actually very rare that I will produce any infantry on the first day. Artillery is a must have. As soon as you can produce it, do so.

      As for strategy? Here's a little nifty trick: stack 4 armored cars together and slam them at a lightly defended point, and huzzah, you have a fast attack convoy. If you're using tanks in your stack AT ALL, motorized infantry is a must. Leave regular infantry with artillery installations and anti-tank/air guns.
    • Do not, I repeat, NEVER, combine your fast units (tanks, motorized, mechanized, and self propelled) with your slow units (infantry and un-propelled guns). Tanks are more powerful, yes, but one of their main advantages is speed. If you can get units into your enemy's core before they get into yours you've probably won; not only will they lose the resources and facilities with which to produce new units they will also most likely turn around to defend their core, thus preserving your own valuable provinces. Even in a PvE fight speed is of the essence; the sooner you conquer a province the sooner it starts producing resource for you, the sooner you can conquer the next one, the less time your opponents have to conquer provinces, and less time your next enemy has to prepare before your units are in position to attack them.
    • I'd suggest that rather than stacking everything together like I've seen some people do, have multiple medium stacks that can co-ordinate together. The more armies that a defender has to fight in one province the easier it is to defeat them, and if you can get the timing right they'll all attack together which will increase the damage to the defender whilst spreading the defenders damage out a bit more as they'll be losing units quicker then you.
      If you see that another player is sending a doomstack against you thought try to draw them into a trap where they are on unsuitable terrain and you have some kind of defence bonus, then hit them with artillery and use fast units to encircle them and cut off any potential reinforcements.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jackl1324 ().

    • Send a bait in or send your units in to attack enemy units and kite them with arty. This is a pretty common tactic.

      2. Never combine fast units to slow units. This slows down the speed of your stack.

      3. make good use defense/ attack of a unit. For example, an infantry is better in defense than attack. You see what i mean here?

      4. do not ever stack up a huge amount of the same kind of units in the same stack. This will reduce the sbde (stat based damage efficiency) for example: stacking up 15 tanks in 1 stack does not output 100% of its sbde. Maximizing sbde is essential for one to turn the tide

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SoulReaper ().

    • In 1.0 watch the efficiency numbers of the type of units, so do not put 10 Heavy tanks in a force.

      In 1.5 where the top ten units are matched with the best defense or attack then 10 is the magic number.
      I have seen real killer stacks with 10 Rail Cars, 10AA, 10AT 10 Tanks 10 Mot Inf.

      They vaporize things as they go.
    • Why use anti tank to attack mate? Its slow and and inefficient. Often when they arrive to a battle, its about to end. They have little use in offense. Plus, level 1 anti tank has a 3.5 strength in attacking armored class and 7.0 in defense. In alternative, using it in defensive fights such as protecting your cores from getting overrun or protecting territories. That way, it is much more useful
    • EZ Dolittle wrote:

      In 1.0 watch the efficiency numbers of the type of units, so do not put 10 Heavy tanks in a force.

      In 1.5 where the top ten units are matched with the best defense or attack then 10 is the magic number.
      I have seen real killer stacks with 10 Rail Cars, 10AA, 10AT 10 Tanks 10 Mot Inf.

      They vaporize things as they go.
      I believe in 1.0 5 units of the same kind in 1 stack (for ground units) can maximize the sbde
    • SoulReaper wrote:

      EZ Dolittle wrote:

      In 1.0 watch the efficiency numbers of the type of units, so do not put 10 Heavy tanks in a force.

      In 1.5 where the top ten units are matched with the best defense or attack then 10 is the magic number.
      I have seen real killer stacks with 10 Rail Cars, 10AA, 10AT 10 Tanks 10 Mot Inf.

      They vaporize things as they go.
      I believe in 1.0 5 units of the same kind in 1 stack (for ground units) can maximize the sbde
      In 1.5 only the 10 strongest units in a category will participate in any battle. EG, if a stack is attacked by aircaft only the 10 units with the highest AA scores will deal damage to the aircraft.
    • I would say for strategy it depends on playstyle. If you're active a lot and like lots of action, then armored/fast vehicles is the way to go. A combination of SP arty, SPAA, LT, AC, motor inf (in fact, if you're REALLY active just having one or two types of these is enough) makes this a speedy nightmare.

      If you're the "slow and steady wins the race" type of person, then I would suggest slower, infantry-branch-based troops. They are harder to counter, cheap to produce, but slow to conquer. However, this stability would help a lot especially when you don't have a lot of time playing the game.

      I have enough activity to go for the fast type, and I also want to, but I always end up being slow.
      "As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable." Albert Einstein

      "Giving up is not an option in war, for it proves one's incapability and incompetence as a leader." - Me (Little Racoon)
    • SoulReaper wrote:

      Why use anti tank to attack mate? Its slow and and inefficient. Often when they arrive to a battle, its about to end. They have little use in offense. Plus, level 1 anti tank has a 3.5 strength in attacking armored class and 7.0 in defense. In alternative, using it in defensive fights such as protecting your cores from getting overrun or protecting territories. That way, it is much more useful
      You can use tank destroyers
    • RiverWolf74 wrote:

      SoulReaper wrote:

      Why use anti tank to attack mate? Its slow and and inefficient. Often when they arrive to a battle, its about to end. They have little use in offense. Plus, level 1 anti tank has a 3.5 strength in attacking armored class and 7.0 in defense. In alternative, using it in defensive fights such as protecting your cores from getting overrun or protecting territories. That way, it is much more useful
      You can use tank destroyers
      tank destroyers is a replacement for AT. However despite it has a better mobility, it's offensive value is questionable, so it’s best to mix them with tanks and mot infs for blitz attacks. That brings us to my second point. As it’s offensive value is not high, the best use will be holding ground or defending. However, it is more expensive than AT guns and it practically has the same use as ATs. Therefore I don’t recommend building it. I usually just counter enemy armour with my own armour and planes to patrol above.