Gold Purchases too Easy Without 'Authorisation Prompt'

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    • Gold Purchases too Easy Without 'Authorisation Prompt'

      Can I get reimbursed for the Gold Button Purchase for 'Market Resources' being too easy to hit... It is made 10Xs worse when there are jolts of poor internet or me running both 'Game Sessions' simultaneously.

      There is the initial 'Tutorial Game' that I'm about to win with my coalition. I was purchasing 'Goods' to buy a few more Railroad Guns to work towards the next tier of the 'Gold Rewards' for to purchase new Blueprints. Now that 2000 (Sorry 2500) Gold has been deducted it probably isn't even 1/1000th the price difference.

      We just need the gold to be ours to use... it needs to be able to be 'Spent Properly' PERHAPS by using an 'Are you Sure you Want to Perform this Purchase' Prompt.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Cronkonium ().