Manchukuo here of the weakeast nations on this map ...
NPC wars on me :
Day 25 NPC IRELAND ...
Day 78 NPC FRANCE ...
Day 112 NPC British India ...
Day 118 NPC British Egypt ...
Enemy Soviet Union attacked my ally Turkey .... enemy Soviet Union wipped out ...
Romania plotted to backstabb me and Turkey .. Romania was allied with Turkey ... Romania engaged .. Romania wipped out ... unfortunatelly my ally Turkey went inactive .. he did dot believed we could win ...
My curent ally is USA ... he decided to get some mor e points so i am the only one who voted to end this map ... since day 35 or something like that ...
Day 35 Romania wipped out . With lots of provinces streching to E / central and W Europe i striggled to controll my moral problems with forts + infrastructures ...
Day 78 NPC FRANCE attacked me .. i hardly managed to handle moral problems .. another - 5 war penalty ... rebellions started again ...
Day 78 Australoa NPC ??? .. again ...
Few days ago i filled a bug report about these continues NPC wars on me ....
Answer : '' AI will attack if your global popularity is to low, as for the rebellions they are working as intended.''
But something is wrong about that global popularity !!!
Day 77
The world's most dreaded nations
A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
4th: France, President Hail whatever
5th: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
6th: British India, Viceroy player123546
Day 95 ...
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
5th: France, President Hail whatever
6th: British India, Viceroy player123546
Day 111 ...
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
6th: France, President Hail whatever
Day 117 - i am not even there !
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
4th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
6th: France, President Hail whatever
So : USA did not even had 1 NPC war declared on him !? But he was on '' top '' dreaded '' / hated nations by a long time !? I do not get it ! Any explanations on that ? AS POPULARUTY WAS INVOCHED !
By almost 3 months now I HAD 1 OPTION ONLY : deal with rebellions / moral problems !! Day by day !!! This game was not supose to be '' choose what you can do '' ???? I logged in / builded forst after forst after forst and infrastructures after infrasctructures after infrastructures ... That was my ONLY OPTION !!!
Lets assume my ally USA would it declare war on me... how many options i would it had then ? ZERO !!!
Basically NPC countries dictated my agenda for the last ( almost ) 3 months ... All my resources went toward damage controll / moral buildings ...
Now more info : Victory Points ...
Day 35 : Manchukao 1118 VP
USA 439 VP
Day 77 : Manchukao 1184 VP
USA 751 VP
Day 96 : Manchukao 1178 VP
USA 878 VP
Day 112 : USA 1159 VP
Manchukao 1101 VP
Day 118 : USA 1239 VP
Manchukao 1101 VP ...
In the last ( almost ) 3 months i lost less then 20 VP ... even with lots and lots and lots of moral problems !!!
USA did not had any problem even that it was on top dreaded nations ... so explanation regarding populariry is not valid ... What else could be ??? I feel kind of frustrated because my 1 st position was ... moved away from me !!! Why that ? Manchukao is not allowed to win this map on 1 st place ? Yes - world war 2 to be won by almost insignificant minor power .. Manchukao ???
Game is fair and give chances for ALL of us .. or are some hidden rules that i am not aware off ???
Another bug ...
I tried to make peace with NPC countries ... not even one accepted / changed his diplomatic relations toward me to .. PEACE ! As i did .. and hoped for ...
But surprise : today ( day 118 on my map ) USA i see moves his troops across NPC BRITISH EGYPT !!!! NPC ignores me or declares war on me / Manchukao .. but against USA are peacefull even SUA is the most dreaded nation on this map .. by a long time ... and even more NPC allowed / accepted '' RIGHT OF PASSAGE '' treaty with USA ???
Why this HUGE discrepancy in manner NPC countries acted when compared actions toward me and actions toward USA ???
I do not get it ...
Please explain / make supositions ... that popularity thing that was invoked clearlly do not work .. is something else here ...
Manchukuo here of the weakeast nations on this map ...
NPC wars on me :
Day 25 NPC IRELAND ...
Day 78 NPC FRANCE ...
Day 112 NPC British India ...
Day 118 NPC British Egypt ...
Enemy Soviet Union attacked my ally Turkey .... enemy Soviet Union wipped out ...
Romania plotted to backstabb me and Turkey .. Romania was allied with Turkey ... Romania engaged .. Romania wipped out ... unfortunatelly my ally Turkey went inactive .. he did dot believed we could win ...
My curent ally is USA ... he decided to get some mor e points so i am the only one who voted to end this map ... since day 35 or something like that ...
Day 35 Romania wipped out . With lots of provinces streching to E / central and W Europe i striggled to controll my moral problems with forts + infrastructures ...
Day 78 NPC FRANCE attacked me .. i hardly managed to handle moral problems .. another - 5 war penalty ... rebellions started again ...
Day 78 Australoa NPC ??? .. again ...
Few days ago i filled a bug report about these continues NPC wars on me ....
Answer : '' AI will attack if your global popularity is to low, as for the rebellions they are working as intended.''
But something is wrong about that global popularity !!!
Day 77
The world's most dreaded nations
A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
4th: France, President Hail whatever
5th: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
6th: British India, Viceroy player123546
Day 95 ...
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
5th: France, President Hail whatever
6th: British India, Viceroy player123546
Day 111 ...
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
6th: France, President Hail whatever
Day 117 - i am not even there !
1st: USA, President rogue95
2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
4th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
6th: France, President Hail whatever
So : USA did not even had 1 NPC war declared on him !? But he was on '' top '' dreaded '' / hated nations by a long time !? I do not get it ! Any explanations on that ? AS POPULARUTY WAS INVOCHED !
By almost 3 months now I HAD 1 OPTION ONLY : deal with rebellions / moral problems !! Day by day !!! This game was not supose to be '' choose what you can do '' ???? I logged in / builded forst after forst after forst and infrastructures after infrasctructures after infrastructures ... That was my ONLY OPTION !!!
Lets assume my ally USA would it declare war on me... how many options i would it had then ? ZERO !!!
Basically NPC countries dictated my agenda for the last ( almost ) 3 months ... All my resources went toward damage controll / moral buildings ...
Now more info : Victory Points ...
Day 35 : Manchukao 1118 VP
USA 439 VP
Day 77 : Manchukao 1184 VP
USA 751 VP
Day 96 : Manchukao 1178 VP
USA 878 VP
Day 112 : USA 1159 VP
Manchukao 1101 VP
Day 118 : USA 1239 VP
Manchukao 1101 VP ...
In the last ( almost ) 3 months i lost less then 20 VP ... even with lots and lots and lots of moral problems !!!
USA did not had any problem even that it was on top dreaded nations ... so explanation regarding populariry is not valid ... What else could be ??? I feel kind of frustrated because my 1 st position was ... moved away from me !!! Why that ? Manchukao is not allowed to win this map on 1 st place ? Yes - world war 2 to be won by almost insignificant minor power .. Manchukao ???
Game is fair and give chances for ALL of us .. or are some hidden rules that i am not aware off ???
Another bug ...
I tried to make peace with NPC countries ... not even one accepted / changed his diplomatic relations toward me to .. PEACE ! As i did .. and hoped for ...
But surprise : today ( day 118 on my map ) USA i see moves his troops across NPC BRITISH EGYPT !!!! NPC ignores me or declares war on me / Manchukao .. but against USA are peacefull even SUA is the most dreaded nation on this map .. by a long time ... and even more NPC allowed / accepted '' RIGHT OF PASSAGE '' treaty with USA ???
Why this HUGE discrepancy in manner NPC countries acted when compared actions toward me and actions toward USA ???
I do not get it ...
Please explain / make supositions ... that popularity thing that was invoked clearlly do not work .. is something else here ...