H 1939 Historic World War - bugs ...

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    • H 1939 Historic World War - bugs ...


      Manchukuo here ...one of the weakeast nations on this map ...
      NPC wars on me :

      Day 25 NPC IRELAND ...
      Day 78 NPC FRANCE ...
      Day 96 NPC AUSTRALIA
      Day 112 NPC British India ...
      Day 118 NPC British Egypt ...

      Enemy Soviet Union attacked my ally Turkey .... enemy Soviet Union wipped out ...
      Romania plotted to backstabb me and Turkey .. Romania was allied with Turkey ... Romania engaged .. Romania wipped out ... unfortunatelly my ally Turkey went inactive .. he did dot believed we could win ...
      My curent ally is USA ... he decided to get some mor e points so i am the only one who voted to end this map ... since day 35 or something like that ...

      Day 35 Romania wipped out . With lots of provinces streching to E / central and W Europe i striggled to controll my moral problems with forts + infrastructures ...
      Day 78 NPC FRANCE attacked me .. i hardly managed to handle moral problems .. another - 5 war penalty ... rebellions started again ...
      Day 78 Australoa NPC ??? .. again ...

      Few days ago i filled a bug report about these continues NPC wars on me ....
      Answer : '' AI will attack if your global popularity is to low, as for the rebellions they are working as intended.''

      But something is wrong about that global popularity !!!

      Day 77
      The world's most dreaded nations

      A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      4th: France, President Hail whatever
      5th: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      6th: British India, Viceroy player123546

      Day 95 ...
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      5th: France, President Hail whatever
      6th: British India, Viceroy player123546

      Day 111 ...
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
      4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      6th: France, President Hail whatever

      Day 117 - i am not even there !
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
      4th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
      5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      6th: France, President Hail whatever

      So : USA did not even had 1 NPC war declared on him !? But he was on '' top '' dreaded '' / hated nations by a long time !? I do not get it ! Any explanations on that ? AS POPULARUTY WAS INVOCHED !

      By almost 3 months now I HAD 1 OPTION ONLY : deal with rebellions / moral problems !! Day by day !!! This game was not supose to be '' choose what you can do '' ???? I logged in / builded forst after forst after forst and infrastructures after infrasctructures after infrastructures ... That was my ONLY OPTION !!!

      Lets assume my ally USA would it declare war on me... how many options i would it had then ? ZERO !!!
      Basically NPC countries dictated my agenda for the last ( almost ) 3 months ... All my resources went toward damage controll / moral buildings ...

      Now more info : Victory Points ...

      Day 35 : Manchukao 1118 VP
      USA 439 VP

      Day 77 : Manchukao 1184 VP
      USA 751 VP

      Day 96 : Manchukao 1178 VP
      USA 878 VP

      Day 112 : USA 1159 VP
      Manchukao 1101 VP

      Day 118 : USA 1239 VP
      Manchukao 1101 VP ...

      In the last ( almost ) 3 months i lost less then 20 VP ... even with lots and lots and lots of moral problems !!!

      USA did not had any problem even that it was on top dreaded nations ... so explanation regarding populariry is not valid ... What else could be ??? I feel kind of frustrated because my 1 st position was ... moved away from me !!! Why that ? Manchukao is not allowed to win this map on 1 st place ? Yes - world war 2 to be won by almost insignificant minor power .. Manchukao ???
      Game is fair and give chances for ALL of us .. or are some hidden rules that i am not aware off ???


      Another bug ...

      I tried to make peace with NPC countries ... not even one accepted / changed his diplomatic relations toward me to .. PEACE ! As i did .. and hoped for ...

      But surprise : today ( day 118 on my map ) USA i see moves his troops across NPC BRITISH EGYPT !!!! NPC ignores me or declares war on me / Manchukao .. but against USA are peacefull even SUA is the most dreaded nation on this map .. by a long time ... and even more NPC allowed / accepted '' RIGHT OF PASSAGE '' treaty with USA ???
      Why this HUGE discrepancy in manner NPC countries acted when compared actions toward me and actions toward USA ???
      I do not get it ...
      Please explain / make supositions ... that popularity thing that was invoked clearlly do not work .. is something else here ...

    • Rois wrote:


      Manchukuo here ...one of the weakeast nations on this map ...
      NPC wars on me :

      Day 25 NPC IRELAND ...
      Day 78 NPC FRANCE ...
      Day 96 NPC AUSTRALIA
      Day 112 NPC British India ...
      Day 118 NPC British Egypt ...

      that’s how it is intended to work, don’t complain. I’ve had worse.
      10p road to war map: I playing turkey, advanced north.
      In 1 day, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Sweden declared war. Next day, Hungary. Few days later, poland.
      I knew it would be much worse and ended the game.

      Rois wrote:

      So : USA did not even had 1 NPC war declared on him !? But he was on '' top '' dreaded '' / hated nations by a long time !? I do not get it ! Any explanations on that ? AS POPULARUTY WAS INVOCHED !

      By almost 3 months now I HAD 1 OPTION ONLY : deal with rebellions / moral problems !! Day by day !!! This game was not supose to be '' choose what you can do '' ???? I logged in / builded forst after forst after forst and infrastructures after infrasctructures after infrastructures ... That was my ONLY OPTION !!!

      Lets assume my ally USA would it declare war on me... how many options i would it had then ? ZERO !!!
      Basically NPC countries dictated my agenda for the last ( almost ) 3 months ... All my resources went toward damage controll / moral buildings ...
      That’s what makes it a strategy game and not just a normal game
    • RiverWolf74 wrote:

      Nn gg wrote:

      it’s not. This is popularity.
      Popularity controls how many AI give u trade embargo/war
      Wait doesn't popularity also control the most popular/most dreaded nation thing though
      Your average popularity, which you can check in your own info bar, is what other countries tend to think of you. You can check what each individual country thinks of you in their info bar. Popularity is a completely separate mechanic from morale.

      Rois wrote:


      Manchukuo here ...one of the weakeast nations on this map ...
      NPC wars on me :

      Day 25 NPC IRELAND ...
      Day 78 NPC FRANCE ...
      Day 96 NPC AUSTRALIA
      Day 112 NPC British India ...
      Day 118 NPC British Egypt ...

      Enemy Soviet Union attacked my ally Turkey .... enemy Soviet Union wipped out ...
      Romania plotted to backstabb me and Turkey .. Romania was allied with Turkey ... Romania engaged .. Romania wipped out ... unfortunatelly my ally Turkey went inactive .. he did dot believed we could win ...
      My curent ally is USA ... he decided to get some mor e points so i am the only one who voted to end this map ... since day 35 or something like that ...

      Day 35 Romania wipped out . With lots of provinces streching to E / central and W Europe i striggled to controll my moral problems with forts + infrastructures ...
      Day 78 NPC FRANCE attacked me .. i hardly managed to handle moral problems .. another - 5 war penalty ... rebellions started again ...
      Day 78 Australoa NPC ??? .. again ...

      Few days ago i filled a bug report about these continues NPC wars on me ....
      Answer : '' AI will attack if your global popularity is to low, as for the rebellions they are working as intended.''

      But something is wrong about that global popularity !!!

      Day 77
      The world's most dreaded nations

      A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      4th: France, President Hail whatever
      5th: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      6th: British India, Viceroy player123546

      Day 95 ...
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      5th: France, President Hail whatever
      6th: British India, Viceroy player123546

      Day 111 ...
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
      4th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      6th: France, President Hail whatever

      Day 117 - i am not even there !
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
      4th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008
      5th: Romania, Prime Minister mas i leba
      6th: France, President Hail whatever

      So : USA did not even had 1 NPC war declared on him !? But he was on '' top '' dreaded '' / hated nations by a long time !? I do not get it ! Any explanations on that ? AS POPULARUTY WAS INVOCHED !

      By almost 3 months now I HAD 1 OPTION ONLY : deal with rebellions / moral problems !! Day by day !!! This game was not supose to be '' choose what you can do '' ???? I logged in / builded forst after forst after forst and infrastructures after infrasctructures after infrastructures ... That was my ONLY OPTION !!!

      Lets assume my ally USA would it declare war on me... how many options i would it had then ? ZERO !!!
      Basically NPC countries dictated my agenda for the last ( almost ) 3 months ... All my resources went toward damage controll / moral buildings ...

      Now more info : Victory Points ...

      Day 35 : Manchukao 1118 VP
      USA 439 VP

      Day 77 : Manchukao 1184 VP
      USA 751 VP

      Day 96 : Manchukao 1178 VP
      USA 878 VP

      Day 112 : USA 1159 VP
      Manchukao 1101 VP

      Day 118 : USA 1239 VP
      Manchukao 1101 VP ...

      In the last ( almost ) 3 months i lost less then 20 VP ... even with lots and lots and lots of moral problems !!!

      USA did not had any problem even that it was on top dreaded nations ... so explanation regarding populariry is not valid ... What else could be ??? I feel kind of frustrated because my 1 st position was ... moved away from me !!! Why that ? Manchukao is not allowed to win this map on 1 st place ? Yes - world war 2 to be won by almost insignificant minor power .. Manchukao ???
      Game is fair and give chances for ALL of us .. or are some hidden rules that i am not aware off ???


      Another bug ...

      I tried to make peace with NPC countries ... not even one accepted / changed his diplomatic relations toward me to .. PEACE ! As i did .. and hoped for ...

      But surprise : today ( day 118 on my map ) USA i see moves his troops across NPC BRITISH EGYPT !!!! NPC ignores me or declares war on me / Manchukao .. but against USA are peacefull even SUA is the most dreaded nation on this map .. by a long time ... and even more NPC allowed / accepted '' RIGHT OF PASSAGE '' treaty with USA ???
      Why this HUGE discrepancy in manner NPC countries acted when compared actions toward me and actions toward USA ???
      I do not get it ...
      Please explain / make supositions ... that popularity thing that was invoked clearlly do not work .. is something else here ...

      I think there's an element of RNG to AI declaring wars because I am a ruthless warmonger but very rarely get declared on. There's probably also the fact that only nations you border tend to declare on you, and there are far fewer nations in the Americas and it's easy to limit your borders to only a few at a time, so they might simply not get the chance to declare on America.
    • The game is operating as intended. Managing morale and reputation is intended to be a complex task which is what make this a strategy game and not simply a race to see who can drive their units around the map fastest.
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

      >>> Click Here to submit a bug report or support ticket <<<
    • Thanks you for all info => Vorlon first !
      I missjudjed what happaned - i appologise to all !

      I play seldom this game ... i tried to find by myself what was wrong and could it not find it ...

      Game changed drastically since last time i played . Popularity has a MAJOR impact on the way game acts / reacts .
      Sugestion : place in newspaper that info with each countries or top 10 or top 30 countries => on top right corner with Index of nations ( VP ) / Index of coalitions ... That way to be pointed out to all that popularity is very important ! Just hiding that info on the bottom newspaper can trick peoples to ignore it ... i did it ...

      Historic map 1939 : when started this map i got frustrated because of lack of info even on chat game => '' you will find out '' :))) As Manchukao i felt i was almost insignificant on that map : mighty Soviet Union and mighty Japan as my neighbors ... Several days later when mighty Japan sended alliance treaty i was shocked twice ... First by his gesture .. second when finded out : strenght troops ratio on this map is something like 1 :2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 ... Where i / Manchikao was 2 .... and Japan and other major powers had 7 power / strenght ratio ... But Japan went inactive rather soon .. so i was alone with my ally Turkey ... few days later Soviet Union attacked Turkey ... i engaged Soviet Union and tried to help my ally Turkey with feeling that i fight a loosing battle ... Soviet Union was defeated .. but soon Romania plotted to backstabb Turkey and me ... so we went ointo war againt Romania . At that moment combined troops strenght and combined resource income of me + Turkey was close to Romania's ...

      After defeating Romania i had major problems with moral / rebellions ...
      I tried to go to normal way : i engaged 4 small nations and hoped that + 10 moral boost of their capitols will help ... Only now i realisated that i did wrong .. i only damaged even more that popularity value ...

      On this huge map => engaging NPC Ireland ( who conquered UK main land ! ) across unknown waters was pure fantasy - even now i have only 2 subs and those guard my main land shores ...
      NPC FRANCE - central Africa and SE Asia ... another fantasy ... for me ...
      My ally USA decided to attack NPC France and NPC IRELAND and finally those wars were gone ...
      NPC Australia ? :))) NPC British India ... same for me ...
      The only accesible war for me now is against NPC British Egypt ...

      Popularity : i had 71 .. now i see there 67 ! So somehow that popularity decrease .. How ? I assume not day by day ... and in fact lower popularity is better ? I assumed the other way around ...

      But in fact how is working ? On my map the most popular nation has 66 now as value ... and the most dreaded has 73 .
      War / wars - what impact really have in numbers ... I assume the standard answer is '' you will find out '' :))))

      P.S. Game changed drastically toward ... Europa Universalis game mechanics :)
      P.S. 2 My ally USA moved like a snail in these last ( almost ) 3 months - from my point of view :))) Seems he did the right way !!!
      Question : all maps have this popularity now ?

      Thanks for reading this !
    • Rois wrote:

      Thanks you for all info => Vorlon first !
      I missjudjed what happaned - i appologise to all !

      I play seldom this game ... i tried to find by myself what was wrong and could it not find it ...

      Game changed drastically since last time i played . Popularity has a MAJOR impact on the way game acts / reacts .
      Sugestion : place in newspaper that info with each countries or top 10 or top 30 countries => on top right corner with Index of nations ( VP ) / Index of coalitions ... That way to be pointed out to all that popularity is very important ! Just hiding that info on the bottom newspaper can trick peoples to ignore it ... i did it ...

      Historic map 1939 : when started this map i got frustrated because of lack of info even on chat game => '' you will find out '' :))) As Manchukao i felt i was almost insignificant on that map : mighty Soviet Union and mighty Japan as my neighbors ... Several days later when mighty Japan sended alliance treaty i was shocked twice ... First by his gesture .. second when finded out : strenght troops ratio on this map is something like 1 :2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 ... Where i / Manchikao was 2 .... and Japan and other major powers had 7 power / strenght ratio ... But Japan went inactive rather soon .. so i was alone with my ally Turkey ... few days later Soviet Union attacked Turkey ... i engaged Soviet Union and tried to help my ally Turkey with feeling that i fight a loosing battle ... Soviet Union was defeated .. but soon Romania plotted to backstabb Turkey and me ... so we went ointo war againt Romania . At that moment combined troops strenght and combined resource income of me + Turkey was close to Romania's ...

      After defeating Romania i had major problems with moral / rebellions ...
      I tried to go to normal way : i engaged 4 small nations and hoped that + 10 moral boost of their capitols will help ... Only now i realisated that i did wrong .. i only damaged even more that popularity value ...

      On this huge map => engaging NPC Ireland ( who conquered UK main land ! ) across unknown waters was pure fantasy - even now i have only 2 subs and those guard my main land shores ...
      NPC FRANCE - central Africa and SE Asia ... another fantasy ... for me ...
      My ally USA decided to attack NPC France and NPC IRELAND and finally those wars were gone ...
      NPC Australia ? :))) NPC British India ... same for me ...
      The only accesible war for me now is against NPC British Egypt ...

      Popularity : i had 71 .. now i see there 67 ! So somehow that popularity decrease .. How ? I assume not day by day ... and in fact lower popularity is better ? I assumed the other way around ...

      But in fact how is working ? On my map the most popular nation has 66 now as value ... and the most dreaded has 73 .
      War / wars - what impact really have in numbers ... I assume the standard answer is '' you will find out '' :))))

      P.S. Game changed drastically toward ... Europa Universalis game mechanics :)
      P.S. 2 My ally USA moved like a snail in these last ( almost ) 3 months - from my point of view :))) Seems he did the right way !!!
      Question : all maps have this popularity now ?

      Thanks for reading this !
      A: The whole point of the 25 player map is that every starts out at different strengths, but they can pose threats to even the largest nations if they make their moves at the right time.
      B: You cannot see the global popularity of other nations. The 'my popularity' number you see in other nation's info tab is YOUR OWN popularity with them, not their global average popularity. The popularity number you see on your own info tab is your average popularity with all other nations.
      C: The popularity function is part of the Elite AI mechanic and has existed as far back as Supremacy 1914; they made Elite AI a standard function of the game about a year ago (I think that's when), so yes, all maps have had popularity for the same amount of time.
    • eruth wrote:

      A: The whole point of the 25 player map is that every starts out at different strengths, but they can pose threats to even the largest nations if they make their moves at the right time.
      B: You cannot see the global popularity of other nations. The 'my popularity' number you see in other nation's info tab is YOUR OWN popularity with them, not their global average popularity. The popularity number you see on your own info tab is your average popularity with all other nations.
      C: The popularity function is part of the Elite AI mechanic and has existed as far back as Supremacy 1914; they made Elite AI a standard function of the game about a year ago (I think that's when), so yes, all maps have had popularity for the same amount of time.
      A - i was lucky to pose a threat ...
      B - i think you are wrong .
      In game there is also :

      The world's most dreaded nations

      A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
      4th: Turkey, Prime Minister Laurenz12
      5th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      6th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008 ''

      This info lead to ideea that there is some sort OF FIXED country value that is comparad / ranked there ... from 0 to 100 i assume ...
      AFTER my last NPC declared war on me i noticed my PERSONAL GLOBAL POPULARITY changing from 71 TO 67 IN MATTER OF DAYS ...
      So during war your own popularity changes ! What factors are involved ? Maybe number of provinces captured per day ???
      Assuming this - then far away wars where i have zero or almost zero chances to send troops what influence has in personal popularity ?
      ON SMALLER maps you can find sooner or later ways to deal with your enemies .. but on huge maps the way popularity works is the same as on smaller maps ???
      I assume the only way is to note down those values on my next game ... but as this has a HUGE impact on game i would it prefer that more info on how it works to be revealed .. after all why were revealed stats on troops like damage vs unarmoured units , armoured units , against air units and so on ? To be able to prepare / make decisions ...

      C - so you finded out how often i play ... don't you think is normal for me to ask for info ? Considering that game could have changed or in fact has changed since last time i played ? It is first time when admins on chat game were not kind ... i was basically chased away from HELP CHAT !! =>'' Go to global and tell your stories there '' !!! Because i asked questions !!! Since when is forbidden to ask questions on help chat ???

      P.S. It is the first time ever when i played against ELITE AI ! Not even on my first game for this is not ok to ask questions ?
    • Rois wrote:

      A - i was lucky to pose a threat ...B - i think you are wrong .
      In game there is also :

      The world's most dreaded nations

      A public-opinion poll revealed that the following nations are the most feared:
      1st: USA, President rogue95
      2nd: Japan, Prime Minister Drblyatt
      3rd: British India, Viceroy player123546
      4th: Turkey, Prime Minister Laurenz12
      5th: Manchukuo, Emperor Rois
      6th: Australia, Prime Minister warpro8008 ''

      This info lead to ideea that there is some sort OF FIXED country value that is comparad / ranked there ... from 0 to 100 i assume ...
      AFTER my last NPC declared war on me i noticed my PERSONAL GLOBAL POPULARITY changing from 71 TO 67 IN MATTER OF DAYS ...
      So during war your own popularity changes ! What factors are involved ? Maybe number of provinces captured per day ???
      Assuming this - then far away wars where i have zero or almost zero chances to send troops what influence has in personal popularity ?
      ON SMALLER maps you can find sooner or later ways to deal with your enemies .. but on huge maps the way popularity works is the same as on smaller maps ???
      I assume the only way is to note down those values on my next game ... but as this has a HUGE impact on game i would it prefer that more info on how it works to be revealed .. after all why were revealed stats on troops like damage vs unarmoured units , armoured units , against air units and so on ? To be able to prepare / make decisions ...

      C - so you finded out how often i play ... don't you think is normal for me to ask for info ? Considering that game could have changed or in fact has changed since last time i played ? It is first time when admins on chat game were not kind ... i was basically chased away from HELP CHAT !! =>'' Go to global and tell your stories there '' !!! Because i asked questions !!! Since when is forbidden to ask questions on help chat ???

      P.S. It is the first time ever when i played against ELITE AI ! Not even on my first game for this is not ok to ask questions ?
      A: As I said, the point is to be unbalanced. It takes an element of luck (I.E, the big nations being dumb/going inactive) to survive as a small person. Playing as USA now, Canada and Mexico stood no chance though they both fought valiantly. If this isn't your thing, pick a different map.
      B: I don't see how this contradicts what I was saying. Every nation has an opinion of you from 0-100, right? This is your popularity score with that nation, which you can check when you look at the 'your popularity' box in that nation's info tab. If you average every nation's opinion of you, you get your global popularity score, which you can check in the 'global popularity' box in your own info tab. Every day the newspaper checks the countries with the 5 highest global popularity scores and displays them as the most popular nations or the nations with the 5 lowest scores and displays them as the most dreaded nations.
      So when your global popularity is dropping that means that the opinions other nations have of you is dropping; if you checked the 'your popularity' of other nations you would see them decreasing. I don't know all the factors that go into popularity, but I think that just being at war in general makes it go down, whether or not you started it.
      Yes, the popularity mechanic works the same way on all maps.
      C: ????? I wasn't coming at you. Nowhere did I state that you shouldn't ask questions or that you were stupid or anything. I just stated a few facts about how the game works. If I had a tone there I apologize, I have very poor tonal control even in real life, but I wasn't intending to come at you.