Friendly Battle

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    • Friendly Battle

      Hello my friends,

      In this article i'ill tell you something you will like. It'ill be about friendly battle and about how does it must be.

      First thing is player statistics will not be affected regardless. In my opinion that game mode is includes just europe map and minimum players must be 2, maximum is must be 10. The most important thing is every player can be reached or create that game mode for free. Let's talk about that game modes speed. For my think that modes speed minimum 6x but my dream is 100x speed. If it'ill 100x speed players can make their own battles so quick and they can play the real maps. This way, the servers are not be overloaded. For fair play elite units and goldmarks should be restricted in this mode or there is an option for restriction(on-off) for elite units while game creation.

      These are the things that come to my mind for now. I hope you like my article. Thank you for reading. With my respects...


      Bastığım toprak, benimdir.

    • There is already a way to create games that don't affect stats. Turn off anti-cheat. As for the other suggestions: The speed thing has been suggested many times before. The reason it won't be implemented is that it will overload the servers. The restriction of gold has also been suggested many times, but probably won't be implemented. Glad you're enjoying the game!

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      "Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66." -Sheev Palpatine
    • but just high commmad owners can create a game right ? I suggested this article so that friendly battle is accessible to everyone. Thank you for reading and evaluating my article.


      Bastığım toprak, benimdir.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Samuray1919 ().