Historic World War- A History of Germany by NeoLivonianKnight

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    • Historic World War- A History of Germany by NeoLivonianKnight

      Day 1. I create the Axis, and immediately build up my armies and in the meanwhile allow Italy and the Soviets to join. (Alt Axis team) I would go on to personally oversee the invasion of Poland, meanwhile in the West, Britain and I carved up France (Relations Increase 20+) and Britain would get the vast majority with me getting the Benelux because I don’t have the patience to go thru the Maginot, cue about a few days of waiting and I blitz Denmark, and due to a shift in relations and the fact the USSR was being a burden at this point caused the Soviet Union to be replaced by the United Kingdom, and literally about 4-6 hours later I began the invasion of the Soviet Union, Iran would later join in, causing me to ally them and to this day, about 1-2 days later the Soviets have been pushed to Siberia. I’ve sent a delegation to Manchuria asking for their help but then the entirety of Asia goes AI, except Iran. The Axis has been disbanded, and I have attacked Italy. Troops are being sent currently, what will be the fate of Europa? I’ve made significant progress against Italy, however this causes backlash in what’s left of the Soviet Union. Things are getting heated. Current Standing Army Size: Germany: (Me) 148 units, United Kingdom: 184 units, Italy: ??? units.

      What do you think I should do next?
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>

      The post was edited 4 times, last by IronKnight ().

    • Also, please note. I will update the board on who has more/less units every so often.
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>
    • soon you will have to attack Sweden, attack Sweden, and West Russia is the only part you should conquer rest of Russia too large
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Karl- Sweden will spam out gold to defend against me, so no
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>
    • Links to photos: UKpov Eurasia and Oceania, UKpov2 Americas. Summary of events:On day 1 China was active and attacked Hong Kong, me and Germany attacked France, day 2 Persia attacked my colonies in the Middle east, day 3 Spain attacked me, Germany kicks out USSR so I can join the coa, I get RoW with Australia so we dont attack each other by mistake while invading China, day 4 Germany rushes USSR, Spain starts falling apart, French colonies begin to be lost rapidly, I do peace with Persia (But Persia did lose 3x the forces I did lol), day 5 Germany disbands the coa, Persian offensives are very successful in Asia, day 6 Brazil for some reason gives me shared map, Germany starts the attack on Italy with some progress, day 7 has started and production is still lower than the US. I have also surpassed Germany in units (I have 159 now and Germany is at 147 Italy, idk we don't have shared map, I only have RoW for RoW.) I also am not sure who was putting eco sabotage spies in my cities between day 5-6, I caught one in Edinburgh but it didn't tell me which nation.
    • WT auf.Pz IV wrote:

      Links to photos: UKpov Eurasia and Oceania, UKpov2 Americas. Summary of events:On day 1 China was active and attacked Hong Kong, me and Germany attacked France, day 2 Persia attacked my colonies in the Middle east, day 3 Spain attacked me, Germany kicks out USSR so I can join the coa, I get RoW with Australia so we dont attack each other by mistake while invading China, day 4 Germany rushes USSR, Spain starts falling apart, French colonies begin to be lost rapidly, I do peace with Persia (But Persia did lose 3x the forces I did lol), day 5 Germany disbands the coa, Persian offensives are very successful in Asia, day 6 Brazil for some reason gives me shared map, Germany starts the attack on Italy with some progress, day 7 has started and production is still lower than the US. I have also surpassed Germany in units (I have 159 now and Germany is at 147 Italy, idk we don't have shared map, I only have RoW for RoW.) I also am not sure who was putting eco sabotage spies in my cities between day 5-6, I caught one in Edinburgh but it didn't tell me which nation.
      A: That was me sabotaging Edinburgh to troll
      B: I disbanded the coalition because in my eyes it was no longer important, and we can easily just share maps.
      C: I attacked Italy for the cities.
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>
    • Too bad it seems that this is a dead end thread considering multiple stuff that has happened since the last post here and the glorious victory won't happen probably bc Germany is pretty much dead now while Persia and Sweden attack me (Sweden b using about 2 million gold in this server by now lol) and Persia is hyperactive (bc ofc money man and try hard had to be in this server).
    • yep, kinda funny lol, our game was much more easier
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • WT auf.Pz IV wrote:

      Too bad it seems that this is a dead end thread considering multiple stuff that has happened since the last post here and the glorious victory won't happen probably bc Germany is pretty much dead now while Persia and Sweden attack me (Sweden b using about 2 million gold in this server by now lol) and Persia is hyperactive (bc ofc money man and try hard had to be in this server).
      Yeah man. Gold users are a bitch
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>
    • new graphics trash
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • Hey guys! I'm releasing a sequel to this, let's hope gold users don't oof me over!
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>
    • Oh hey, if anyone looks at this- I'm making a sequel to this!
      For the Frontier, once and for all, the Red Planet has been colonized...

      Call of War User: RhonianConfederation
      Discord Username: Premier Livonian of the Frontier#9560
      Newest Let's Play: ?

      I swear to lord if you call me Premier I will crucify you, I prefer the name Livonian :>