Stats Records TELL MEE

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    • Stats Records TELL MEE

      I wanted to ask everyone the following:
      Greatest defeat
      Greatest victory
      Largest invasion
      Best defence
      Best overall achievment
      If u tell me ill tell you
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • my worst defeat was when i lost to 1 AI
      my best victory was when in my 3rd game, aka my first game as ukraine i destroyed a lvl 70 player that took over the american continent and western europe
      my largest invasion was when i invaded germany as historical uk with around 100 or so land units and 5 nukes and some extra naval and air support ( i attacked other nations in a massive europe campaign as well, but germany held the brunt of my invasion)
      my best defences seem to be good offenses, tbh, i never place myself in precarious positions. so, my best defence was when i defended against a day 1 invasion by 2 countries
      my best overall game was when i was first betrayed and my 2nd defeat, i was betrayed by poland, but i swapped cores witth him, then i went inactive, turned out that my ai survived till the late game
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • my worst defeat was when I almost won a solo but, the air in late game fought me till the last day of the game. Then, the ai with highest points won.
      my best vic was when I lost all my urban provs, then I fought back and took all the land and won solo on that round.
      my largest invasion was when I invaded USA in a historical World War as Mexico. (On going).
    • Greatest defeat: My first ever attack where I thought 20 infantry would be enough to defeat level 40 morocco on day 2. Overextended and lost badly. Partially because I was using an outdated guide that told me to put barracks in all my urbans. (Europe Clash)

      Greatest victory: Yep, defeating France and Spain as Germany. Spain was high level who then accused me of golding as an excuse to why he lost. (Historic World War)

      Largest invasion: I put a few units into every province of afk ussr where I had RoW. then I declare war and instant win. Also maybe when I was USA and took all of north america, south america, and africa. (Historic World War)

      Best defense: Defeated Germany as Poland by using his own tactics against him; punching a hole through the center of his territory then funneling all my troops through. Ended up being more of a land trade and I eventually lost because of his troops bordering france, but then france finished off germany so it was kind of a victory. (Historic World War)
    • I will tell you my stats in a seperate Thread
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • Greatest victory- I was italy, enemy was Yugoslavia, germany and Turkey were in yugos coalition, france spain were in mine but they went inactive. Yugoslavia was a Major. Lvl 190 or something. Germany went into war with france and uk and yugos and Turkey got into me. I at once lost all my north then I breakthroughed into mainland Yugoslavia through a right of way though Hungary. I attacked with full strength and got into Hungary. He then went south italy and I took all of mainland yugos. The next day, his avg morale was down and rebellions caused most cities fall on me.

      Greatest defeat, france by germany on day 4 in historical world war. That was a bad game. I had peace deal with German Empire, but I accidentally stepped into his land. My army had reached spanish border and engaged into war with Spain. In mere 12 hours, all of France was down.
    • Greatest victory
      Winning a solo victory with France on the 100p map. In the end phase, there were five active players aligned against me: 3 Africans, Borneo, and an American. I invaded Africa and knocked it out, while holding the others in the Atlantic and the Himalaya; then invaded America. I was kinda disappointed that I had enough points then, I would have loved to take Borneo (who also held Australia, China, etc etc) out as well because he had betrayed me earlier on.

      Largest invasion
      On the 100 p map, coming from America, I once invaded EVERY single African province between Morocco and Cape Town, arriving in a time space of 5 minutes (using delay orders). They were supported by four carrier groups each carrying 10+ planes, and several battleship flotillas providing shore bombardment (though as I recall they were short on targets), plus choke battle fleets near Gibraltar and the Cape. I don't remember the amount of land units, must have been around 200.

      Best defence
      Fighting a two-front war from Europe against American and Asian opponents, they kept coming at me from both sides, but didn't coordinate too well so that there was mostly a quiet front and an active front at every particular moment, so I could switch my air force to participate at the active front all the time. In the end I made up with the Americans and joined their coalition, then defeated the Asians and won the map.

      Close second was a match were three people jumped me from opposing sides on day #1 with the infantry-AC initial army. I managed to hold most ground, lost only one city, knocked two of them out with AC rushes, then allied to the third and won the map together with him.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • Greatest defeat
      Defeated by backstabers while we still allies. That player captured all my urbans and the other coalition member under few seconds.

      And my last game, team up with some rookies and only me to kill enemy units, other teammates build units and sent them to death(can't kill or hardly to kill a hostile unit).

      Greatest victory
      Many, defeated backstabers twice and deal with invaders.

      Largest invasion
      I never invade active player before.

      Best defence
      in one World at War(1.0) map. Played as South China and against 5 players by my own. Used Middle East as the main battlefield, gain k/d ratio until hostile coalition win the game.

      Right now I am playing Nation States.
    • Scrappy_ wrote:

      Best defense: Defeated Germany as Poland by using his own tactics against him; punching a hole through the center of his territory then funneling all my troops through. Ended up being more of a land trade and I eventually lost because of his troops bordering france, but then france finished off germany so it was kind of a victory. (Historic World War)
      you know what, when i was playing as france, the poland in the game did the same thing even taking berlin.
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