Super-Heavy Tanks

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    • Super-Heavy Tanks

      in the game we have armoured cars, light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, and yet although not used much in ww2 we don't have supper heavies, for instance the Maus although already in the game it could be used as a separate supper heavy tank, as it is listed as a supper heavy tank, and it was one of the strongest tanks in ww2 although not seeing combat or the German Ratte which if ever built would be the biggest tank ever created, it was also called a wunderwaffen (wonder/miracle weapons) such as the German railway guns, most of these creations never saw creation and was just on paper as a design this includes the Ratte, it's predicted the Ratte was 115 feet long, 46 feet wide, and with the length of its main turret it became 128 feet long, in the design it also shows a vehicle bay and a Laverty. if this idea was to come to design i think it should cost twice as much as a nuclear bomb.

      more super heavy tank ideas for different doctrines:
      for the allied doctrine:
      the American - T28
      for the comintern doctrine:
      the soviet - T-42
      for the pan Asian doctrine:
      Type 120 O-I
    • They were never deployed on the battlefield... when we would include this in the game, it would be like an empty tech level, where after spending a lot of resources and time, at the end you get a message "due to engineering and logistical problems this unit cannot actually be produced, sorry".
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      - BIG DADDY.
    • i agree with you that none of the tanks mentioned actually were deployed on the battle field, and that although extremely expensive i could say the same about the nuclear bomb, as far as i am aware you can only use that one nuke once, meaning whatever in that province is dead, and you were talking about how expensive and imagine after all that time it said "due to engineering and logistical problems this unit cannot actually be produced, sorry." you could say that about the maus and most other tanks already in the game and you could say the railway gun you have been producing for 8 hours or more has due to engineering and logistical problems this unit has broken down or has been completely destroyed by bombers, also because in reality the tanks didn't work as effectively doesn't mean they have to work the same way as the game, and the fact that most things already used in the game which in real life had malfunctions etc, and in the game it doesn't meaning there doesn't have to be malfunctions in the super heavy tanks, or maybe not as expensive as originally suggested
    • although that is true, in almost all of my games which has lasted about a week after you can gain the nuclear bomb roughly 1/50 games actually used a nuke, and for instance world of tanks, world conqueror 4, HOI4 etc although similar in some aspects to Call of War and are all based around ww2, all include Super heavy tanks (except CoW) and just because the super heavy tanks broke down and had malfunctions in real life, it doesn't mean the tanks in CoW has too, also if you want to talk about tanks artillery etc which suffered malfunctions of design flaws e.g the railway guns, and most tanks during ww2 suffered malfunctioning (which are included in CoW), also because they were never used in the battle field, i will agree that the key difference is that nuke's were used near the end of ww2 but the Maus could pierce almost any allied tank, and could withstand any allied shell as it's armour was 8.7in
    • Super heavy tanks were stupid and ineffective. They could barely move, they could easily be taken out by aircraft. They would not be able to cross difficult terrain and they would be slow. Same could be said for the heavy tank. Heavy tanks were ceased to exist soon after World War II. It was replaced by medium tanks.
    • why need Super heavy tanks instead of upgraded Heavy tanks?
      The armour class is same and will be faster..
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