Soviet Union- All Countries All In - Day by Day Report

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    • Day 6: Today I tried to improve my relations with Greece's coalition to prevent war.
      Production: I made more of my artillery stacks. I now have 8 or 9 I think.
      Research: I reached the T-34 model for medium tanks and the SU-152 model for SP Artillery
      Economy: I'm rich in food and goods but now I have iron problem.
      Diplomacy: Germany went AFK leaving all of Europe afk except for Netherlands and Danzig.
      Strategy: I plan to attack Xingjang, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Germany soon.

      Greece: I left my coalition because Greece accidentally took off share map in a province trade. I will join back after cooldown. We are kind of friends now. He asked me to invade Yugoslavia with him so I said yes, but he is getting destroyed and my troops are upgrading so I can't help much. I have been sending him images of Yugoslavia's troops since I have share map with Yugoslavia too. Greece then said that I should invade afghanistan and join his coalition. I originally said ok, but I want to stay with Japan and USA. Then we made plans to take out Iraq together as well. I asked will Egypt attack you then since Egypt was in their coalition too. Greece said no and if he did that his navy would prevent Egypt from being a threat. I asked Greece if maybe we can take out Egypt too and he said possibly. If we did that he could join the Japan USA coalition with me and we could split up Europe. Greece already has a chunk of Italy so I don't want to fight him. I told Japan about my idea and he said he would tell USA. However, I think USA might be too attached to super weak Mexico and then there would only be one slot available.
      Afghanistan: So later on, Afghanistan asked me if I'd like to split Iraq. However, Greece asked me to take out Afghanistan too. I don't think that Greece and Afghanistan are planning this together, but I now know that their coalition wants to kill each other and also that they see me as a threat. (they both want to be in my coalition).

      Overall, The mediteranean coalition does not seem like a big threat anymore and soon I will be rolling through Europe.
    • the downfall of unions of any kind! Internal squabbles, they had a real chance to defeat you...
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • ok guys i have a slight dilemma, yugoslavia is winning against greece and has more troops but greece has bigger navy. do i attack yugoslavia or backstab greece, invade iraq, and backstab afghanistan? greece is vulnerable but i dont know how egypt will react if i take him out.
    • do as planned, they'll Greece and Afghanistan can be eaten xt time
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Day 6: Today I went to war with lots of people.
      Production: I am still making the same units as yesterday because the production times for the new levels are really high. Probably should upgrade those buildings soon. I also am making 5 paratroopers a day.
      Research: Lvl 3 SPAA and Lvl 2 SP Rocket Arty.
      Economy: Kinda low on Iron still but not too bad.


      Danzig: I attacked Danzig today because he was getting strong and I wanted to take him out now instead of later. (btw Danzig owns West Sweden that's where the fighting is taking place) I said that Danzig had troops on my border as my excuse to attack. Turns out he had lots of friends who claimed that Danzig didn't stack on my border, so I said I did and anyone who opposes that will be prosecuted by KGB and sent to Gulag in Brazil. After that, nobody said anything. I saw Danzig's last army moving to Brazil, but I will intercept with submarines. Invading will take a long time, though. I have 2 doomstacks there as well as a slow mixed stack of various infantry and ordnance. I split that group up 2 have 2 militia drag behind and hold provinces.

      Germany: I think I might have accidentally attacked Germany... anyway we are at war now. His army is 13% and mine is 10% and his is more centered. I have 2 and a half of my stacks on his eastern border and 2 stacks on the southern border. Hopefully, I can take out Danzig in Sweden and bring down those troops to pressure Germany from the North. He has encircled me in several places, mainly just west of Odessa. I am trying to break out from there to bring reinforcements, but I only have 5 troops in that area. I believe his main force is centered in the South, but not in big stacks. My major attacks will be in the Northeast heading for Berlin. See pic below for more info. (Red = me, Green = Germany). I sent a small army to try to split Germany in 2 after the army was encircled in Vienna. However Germany closed in on the pocket and now I am trying to evacuate it back to Yugoslavia. Maybe I should use them like whowh's chaos cars.

      Yugoslavia: I attacked Yugoslavia and got the East side of his land. I'm letting Greece have everything else because I am busy at the moment with Germany. Most of the land I captured is getting recaptured by Germany leading more encirclement.

      Iraq/Egypt: So I put my troops inside the Turkish provinces that had uprisings to Iraq. He told me to move them but I said I just want my land back. I declared war and took the land, then sent him a peace trade. He declined though, and then Egypt declared war. I think this will cause a war between Greece, me, and Afghanistan vs. Egypt and Iraq. Greece thinks we can win. Iraq moved towards my troops in his territory so I am reinforcing those troops. I also put subs to hopefully intercept some of Egypt's troops. Greece is in no position to provide ground support, but his ships will help. They are both high level, Egypt is 133 and Iraq is also very high so this won't be easy.

      Xingjian: I was ready to attack Xingjian today but then I realized I might draw out China's troops where Japan was preparing a mass rocket attack on China's 100 troop stack and 50 airplane stack. So I told Japan that we should attack simultaneously.


    • if Germany is any good, it'll win
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Why are the good nations taken by noobs?
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • im not a noob and ive got germany 6 times
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • GrandEmpire wrote:

      im not a noob and ive got germany 6 times
      you are not noob, you are hackerman
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • So what if i am?
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • idk
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Go to New Roman Empire
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • Day 7: Today I went on the offensive for all my wars. It has been successful so far. Also USA went afk.
      Production: Got out another stack. My air force is small so I am turning Scandinavia into a giant aircraft factory.
      Research: Rocket
      Economy: Low Iron, low goods
      Diplomacy: UK declared war on me. No battles have taken place yet.

      USA: So basically USA owned Mexico and Canada and was doing super well. Then Netherlands attacked Phillipines and South America coalition declared war on him and started attacking. USA could have easily won against South America and didn't need Phillipines anyways, but he decided to quit the game. Everyone was like "yo wtf man?" since he was in second place but he had already made up his mind. He gave me all his resources and is doing a kamikaze rush at South America. Theres no way I can get all of USA's land so I proposed a treaty to Peru stating that I get the East Coast and Alaska (8 cities), Japan gets pacific provinces (6 or 7), and South America can have the rest. They haven't responded yet. Kinda crazy since USA was in second place and the leader of our coalition.

      Germany: Germany is losing very badly right now. I have pushed him back to his starting position in one spot and also encircled him in the Balkans. Here is a quick rundown of everything that has happened. My units on the East slowly progressed west through occupied Poland. One army division almost reached Berlin but was on low hp due to artillery and had to withdraw. Germany's territory was split in two and it's territory in the Balkans is being closed in on from all sides. I revealed his armies with spies and his army is still strong as well as a large navy west of Denmark.

      Iraq/Egypt: I also revealed Iraq and Egypt's armies. They are weak but it will take a long time to finish them off. Afghanistan wants the land in Iraq and told me to stop advancing. Greece told me he wanted the coast and I said ok.

      Xingjiang: The war in Xingjiang is going well. He has almost no troops so should be quick. Also I had a full army stack that would flank through India and attack the side, but India went afk and then took off RoW so I have a stack stuck inside that I can't get out without declaring war.
    • Days 8 & 9: I didn't report yesterday because nothing happened also I was busy.
      Production: Building up air force.
      Research: Rocket lvl 4 and Motorized Infantry lvl 3.
      Economy: Low on everything lol especially goods and money.
      Diplomacy: China is friend now.

      China: So Danzig wrote in the newspaper if anyone can give him a city and China gave him one so I was going to take it with paratroopers but then I thought that China was the only other person with a decent amount of VP points so we invited him to our coalition and he joined after that he took back his city.
      British Egypt: Egypt is taking out Belgium but his army is very small. Iraq has nothing left.
      Germany: I have been slowly progressing through Germany with my doomstacks, I think I have 6 or 7 on the front right now and Germany is about to fall. He only has 2 cities left. After Germany I will go for France and then UK.
      UK: UK keeps sending transports out to Scandanavia so I built Artillery and placed next to the ocean and also have naval bombers and submarines to blockade. I put 4 battlships to block the north above me so people cant outflank me and then attack from the north where there are no defenses. I have a stack heading for Falkland islands which will be useful in inevitable war against South America coalition. They are the only other coalition.
      Greece: Greece is doing well except his resource production is bad. He plans to take the European coast along the Mediterranean and fight primarily in Africa. He has deployed troops into Egyptian Libya and will take out Egypt.
      British India: India surprise attacked me but China and Japan were already splitting India so I am also taking a small portion just to even my border out, 1 city only.
      Afghanistan: Afghanistan is really annoying he keeps asking me for cities that I fought for. I'm going to attack him after India, it should be a short fight.

      Bolivia: Bolivia told me he had spies that told him I attacked Afghanistan. I told him the spies are wrong because me and Afghanistan are not at war yet. But he said he had spies all around the world so I told him to remove he said no then I said fine I will put spies in your land after that he said he removed but I highly doubt it so I put spies anyways.

      Coalition: Our coalition is USSR + Japan + China + Greece. We did some planning and determined that China would take over in the Asian campaign (which is almost over) and then will shift focus to Oceania. Greece will fight in Africa and try to secure the continent before South America lands there which I don't think will happen in time. Maybe they will be to occupied with USA though, who knows... Japan will deploy on USA's west coast to grab as much land as possible to use against South America in the future. I am going to focus on Europe and help out wherever it is necessary.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Scrappy_ ().

    • Days 10: Finished off Germany and began invasion of France, also invaded Afghanistan.
      Production: Besides my doomstacks, I made rocket fighters and a railroad gun. I stopped production of paratroopers since I have so much already and it takes 24 hours to fly from where they are produced to the frontlines.
      Research: Started atomic bomb research! This may be the first game I actually get to use a nuke! (besides the nuke mode I played once but that doesnt count). Also I started researching carriers for the attack on south america.
      Economy: High food and iron, low goods, oil, rare materials, and money.
      Diplomacy: Spain came back online but this will probably make it easier to invade him anyways because he won't react to bombardment as fast as those elite AI's.

      Afghanistan: I would have to attack Afghanistan at some point so I decided to attack now. He has been afk lately so I put troops in his cities then declared war. I also launched paratroopers into each of his core provinces which were undefended. I only lost one troop fighting a tank but everything else I destroyed. He left his planes in a convoy right next to the airfield so I just bombed them with tactical bombers.

      France: I just finished fighting Germany. He only has one fleet left by Denmark but I am making Naval Bombers to take it out later. I think its 3 battleships, 2 cruisers, several destroyers, and 10-15 submarines. Anyways I moved my troops up to the French border. The offensive stacks attacked through Belgium and started bombarding Paris. The other armies sat in Germany's fortifications and bombarded the French fortifications. I also used Strategic bombers to wear down the forts and Attack/Tactical bombers to soften the troops. I found that if I bombard the French troops then retreat back to the fortifications, they will rush at me with my protection bonus which allowed me to destroy the French armies with low casualties.
      China and Japan have secured India and Japan has taken out the Phillipines. I soon will own the Middle East and Europe. Greece has begun mobilizing through Africa. We are nearing the end game stage so I am building up fleets and later nuclear bombers.