Several Ideas, buildings, units

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    • Several Ideas, buildings, units

      Do you have a favorite of these? 14
        Lighthouses/Observation Towers (4) 29%
        Vaults (0) 0%
        Super Heavy Tank (1) 7%
        Glider (2) 14%
        Sniper (1) 7%
        Advanced Spies (3) 21%
        Tax Control (3) 21%
        Make older units (7) 50%
        Info stays till updated (1) 7%
        Militia cost less manpower (4) 29%
        Grid (3) 21%
        The game is perfect the way it is and there is no way to improve it (2) 14%
      1. I think Lighthouses/observation towers would be a good addition to the game, they are a building that can reveal units without needing a unit in it. Can put it on borders and coast lines to see any enemy units passing by.

      2. Vaults might be good too, can put a percentage of your resources in it each day so you can save them for a rainy day but the enemy might take the vault with the resources. I did pretty good when I had a budget for economy and military but that gets harder later on. (The economy is fine but I am the kind of person to use every last resource I have building military and keep running out, lol)

      3. Super Heavy Tank should be added to the secret branch. About the same speed as Railroad gun but has better defensive stats. You guys can mess around with ideas about the stats but I just like the idea of a super heavy tank.

      4. Glider. A stealth unit for the air but it does 0 damage, only scouting.

      5. Sniper maybe, has a range but its super small. Maybe 15 or less, just enough that it wont get attacked back but if the enemy attacks then you are only a second away. Has high damage only attacking infantry, absolute trash defending and attacking anything else

      6. Different level Spies might be cool, cheaper spies do a poorer job and are more likely to be caught. More expensive spies to a better job and are less likely to be caught. But I do think I should have my choice of being stingy. 100 crappy spies or 10 best of the best spies... hmmmmmm. And depending on the level of counter spy used maybe the info you get is mixed up. You intercept "Sending my Units to Cairo" but they have a lvl 3 counter spy so instead you get "ignedsn ym tisun ot oaric".

      7. Along the lines of being stingy... Taxes. The ability of changing the tax rate. Higher taxes will decrease Morale and maybe take longer to produce units or your resource production suffers. Maybe you can bribe you're workers to take a double shift?

      8. The ability to make old units, once you upgrade there is no going back. Its not like I forgot how to make the units so why cant I make old units? Low on resources, maybe I want to downgrade. One solution is that the lvl building they get made in only makes that lvl unit. Lvl 1 tank plant makes lvl 1 tanks. Lvl 6 tank plants make lvl 6 tanks.

      9. Building info. If one of my units sees an enemy building is level 3, then leaves, it should always show the building as lvl 3 until the info is updated. I can write it down... but that might be a lot to write down. Unit passes by a city, it sees a level 3 tank plant, level 4 industry and 5 level 3 light tanks. That info should always be there for me to see no matter how outdated it is. Maybe all the units died or got upgraded, maybe other units joined them, maybe the buildings got upgraded or added or destroyed but the only thing I know is what was there the last time I saw it. If I want updated info I am gonna have to scout it again.

      10. Militia should take way less manpower than it does currently. Militia lvl 1 takes more manpower than Infantry lvl 1. Early game you have quite a bit of manpower but you can run out pretty fast, rather not waste it on Militia. If it only takes 300 manpower then I might actually use them. But I dont know much about balancing.

      11. A grid would be nice if it was overlayed on the map. Instead of telling my teammates there is an enemy battleship 4 dots to the left and two dots up from province "X", I can say there is a battleship at E 10, haha. You sunk my battleship. Pretty much the game.

      I thought of these things over my few years of playing the game
    • whowh wrote:

      Tluda wrote:

      4. Glider. A stealth unit for the air but it does 0 damage, only scouting.
      surely glider infantry would be better? As of right now paratroopers are shown in gliders. Glider infantry could be like paratroopers but with a much smaller deployment time.
      The glider infantry idea is just paratroopers with less deployment time, the paratroopers just need a rework. Its not a surprise attack if it takes 12 hours before you can move your units. By that time my tanks have long passed the paratroopers. They either need to add tons upon tons of range or the ability to have paratroopers on carriers or to decrease the deployment time. I like to think that a day in real life is a month in game. 1 Irl hour is 1.25 days in game. So why are my paratroopers waiting 15 days to do anything? You land, throw off your parachute and get moving. It should have a simular time to planes refueling, an hour to 10 min. At least my thought on paratroopers
    • Only "making older units" and "the grid" make the most sense to me and I'd like to see them in the game.

      I'm surprised to see so many votes for lighthouse/watchtower. If implemented realistically, they would be useless, offering visibility over very limited distance. A 50-meter lighthouse puts the horizon at 25 km. In contrast, in the game a simple militia unit has a view range of... 70 km.
    • Realistically someone can see less than 5 km. This game is not realistic. I was thinking the watch tower was like a stationary scout that doesnt fight, so the veiw range of armored cars or motorized infantry

      Kim Jong Boom wrote:

      Only "making older units" and "the grid" make the most sense to me and I'd like to see them in the game.

      I'm surprised to see so many votes for lighthouse/watchtower. If implemented realistically, they would be useless, offering visibility over very limited distance. A 50-meter lighthouse puts the horizon at 25 km. In contrast, in the game a simple militia unit has a view range of... 70 km.
    • Tluda wrote:

      Realistically someone can see less than 5 km. This game is not realistic. I was thinking the watch tower was like a stationary scout that doesnt fight, so the veiw range of armored cars or motorized infantry

      Kim Jong Boom wrote:

      Only "making older units" and "the grid" make the most sense to me and I'd like to see them in the game.

      I'm surprised to see so many votes for lighthouse/watchtower. If implemented realistically, they would be useless, offering visibility over very limited distance. A 50-meter lighthouse puts the horizon at 25 km. In contrast, in the game a simple militia unit has a view range of... 70 km.

      It's a game so it will never be 100% realistic, but it can be closer to realism or closer to fantasy. In the game we already have scout cars which have a very good view range. Can't see how watch towers or light houses could be better without moving closer to fantasy than realism.
    • Personally I'd say we could build the older versions of different units for the sake of cost and defense. It adds flexibility towards different situations; from mid/experimental offense to desperate defense.

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