Pinned The Open Bar Chatroom

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    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.

      I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?

      I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.
      I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?

      I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      I quite literally gave you the option to move me wrong, and here you are. You are something else. I gave YOU the option to end this argument, because for all I care, you’re a person on an online forum page telling me things that don’t even correlate with my life. So if you may please, quit blabbering.
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      btw Joe, remember later in your life, you’ll come to realize that just because someone looks different than you, acts different, or speaks differently, doesn’t mean you can critique and criticize someone for it. Grow up.
      Taking advice from you is the worst thing one can do.I’m not giving you advice, I’m saying these things because I can tell that your head is screwed lose.

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      GeneralTanke wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      When the function involves being irrelevant, I call to the stand K.Rosso
      Shut up when the adults are speaking, kiddo.
      Bro really thinks we respect him.
      We do respect him and he has a point.
      Joe, you’re the most irrelevant person here, please stop dick riding every man you see
      Love picking fights, don't you? Stop yapping and learn how to communicate normally. Its not that hard.
      I’m not picking fights, when did I say that? it’s just so delightful to see how much you cling to one side harder than the bond between you and your social life.
      Yap Yap Yap. That is all you could do. I am certainly not the best but at least, I ain't a dumbass like you who fails to interpret a simple English sentence.How is comparing someone with nazis is 'neo-nazi' shit? Do you even know what is 'neo-nazi' shit? At least, think before typing rancid shit.Peace out.
      you keep falling back to the same point, “yapping” like so Neo Nazis like you resort to the same idiotic brainless behaviour? So what you’re telling me is how you’re not a Neo Nazi. You mind telling car that, I’m sure he didn’t forget the horrible things you said to him because he’s Muslim. Go on, tell him.
      Lmao learn how to interpret and converse in English. Your comparison of me with Neo-nazi is baseless crap. First define a neo-nazi. What horrible things did I say to Car? Huh, I didn't say anything about his religion, once again, this is made up crap. I never insulted his religion. Stop dreaming.
      Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy (often white supremacy), to attack racial and ethnic minorities (often antisemitism and Islamophobia). Which you did on discord. As well on discord you deliberately targeted car AND Kadeko because they are minorities to you. Just because you are a white male, does not make you better than everyone else. Infact, if you keep acting oblivious to your horrible actions and behaviour that you cause and say to people, I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours. Did your mom or dad teach you that thinking of other people as “lesser beings” is wrong?? Or were you taught trailer trash, which is what you’re acting like right now. Tell me Joe, what type of person really are you.
      Lmao, this is why education is important. The real idiot here is you. I never targeted Kadeko and Carking because of their religion. This is a very serious allegation, do you even think before typing bullshit? I had conflicts with Kadeko and Carking because of other reasons, the main was my ban(After which I compared them with Nazis). I did told him that he shouldn't support the west considering the things they did to middle east (Now, this is political, no need bring it here). This issue ended a month ago, but you really want to revive it, don't you? Perhaps, that is how you satisfy your ego.
      Now, bring your proof, show where I made nazi comments. Of course, your next comment will only contain coping text, because there is no evidence since that didn't happen. You are framing me up and you will fail miserably.

      @Carking the 6th, I'm sorry for pinging you and yes, I know we have a lot of differences, but I need you to speak here. Please answer these questions.

      1) Did I ever sound racist to you?
      2) Did I target you because of your religion?
      3) Did I made Nazi comments?

      Please, be honest, and provide screenshots if you think that I was indeed racist towards you. Our conflict was mainly political and trolling( I take the blame for trolling)

      Now, Russ see this:

      (Before you start crying about the Gun pic claiming I intend to shoot eid, that gif is related to the heated discussion I had with him.)
      Here, you can see me wishing Carking eid, why would I do that if I was islamophobic?

      Why did I protest TMC if I was racist? According to your logic, I should've defended him, but did I do so? I even voted against TMC joining the server.

      Your claims that I'm someone whose ideology matches with TMC is utter garbage. I absolutely despise fascism or hatred against minorities (Check scibdio maridni's wall). I don't see why are you so interested in having beef with me, the real conflict was with Carking and Kadeko, and even they aren't acting like you. You are a disgrace. You have literally contributed nothing except for femboy shit and picking fights with people (NB, roko and now me). Get better than defaming randoms online.

      You are dreaming way too much!!
      btw Joe, I asked you what type of person you are with a question mark, and you proceed to go batshit crazy lol. So Joe, are you the batshit crazy type then? I mean, you are quite the character to say the least. And that’s just scratching the barrel! :whistling:
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      btw Joe, remember later in your life, you’ll come to realize that just because someone looks different than you, acts different, or speaks differently, doesn’t mean you can critique and criticize someone for it. Grow up.
      Taking advice from you is the worst thing one can do.I’m not giving you advice, I’m saying these things because I can tell that your head is screwed lose.

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      GeneralTanke wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      When the function involves being irrelevant, I call to the stand K.Rosso
      Shut up when the adults are speaking, kiddo.
      Bro really thinks we respect him.
      We do respect him and he has a point.
      Joe, you’re the most irrelevant person here, please stop dick riding every man you see
      Love picking fights, don't you? Stop yapping and learn how to communicate normally. Its not that hard.
      I’m not picking fights, when did I say that? it’s just so delightful to see how much you cling to one side harder than the bond between you and your social life.
      Yap Yap Yap. That is all you could do. I am certainly not the best but at least, I ain't a dumbass like you who fails to interpret a simple English sentence.How is comparing someone with nazis is 'neo-nazi' shit? Do you even know what is 'neo-nazi' shit? At least, think before typing rancid shit.Peace out.
      you keep falling back to the same point, “yapping” like so Neo Nazis like you resort to the same idiotic brainless behaviour? So what you’re telling me is how you’re not a Neo Nazi. You mind telling car that, I’m sure he didn’t forget the horrible things you said to him because he’s Muslim. Go on, tell him.
      Lmao learn how to interpret and converse in English. Your comparison of me with Neo-nazi is baseless crap. First define a neo-nazi. What horrible things did I say to Car? Huh, I didn't say anything about his religion, once again, this is made up crap. I never insulted his religion. Stop dreaming.
      Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy (often white supremacy), to attack racial and ethnic minorities (often antisemitism and Islamophobia). Which you did on discord. As well on discord you deliberately targeted car AND Kadeko because they are minorities to you. Just because you are a white male, does not make you better than everyone else. Infact, if you keep acting oblivious to your horrible actions and behaviour that you cause and say to people, I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours. Did your mom or dad teach you that thinking of other people as “lesser beings” is wrong?? Or were you taught trailer trash, which is what you’re acting like right now. Tell me Joe, what type of person really are you.
      Lmao, this is why education is important. The real idiot here is you. I never targeted Kadeko and Carking because of their religion. This is a very serious allegation, do you even think before typing bullshit? I had conflicts with Kadeko and Carking because of other reasons, the main was my ban(After which I compared them with Nazis). I did told him that he shouldn't support the west considering the things they did to middle east (Now, this is political, no need bring it here). This issue ended a month ago, but you really want to revive it, don't you? Perhaps, that is how you satisfy your ego.Now, bring your proof, show where I made nazi comments. Of course, your next comment will only contain coping text, because there is no evidence since that didn't happen. You are framing me up and you will fail miserably.

      @Carking the 6th, I'm sorry for pinging you and yes, I know we have a lot of differences, but I need you to speak here. Please answer these questions.

      1) Did I ever sound racist to you?
      2) Did I target you because of your religion?
      3) Did I made Nazi comments?

      Please, be honest, and provide screenshots if you think that I was indeed racist towards you. Our conflict was mainly political and trolling( I take the blame for trolling)

      Now, Russ see this:

      (Before you start crying about the Gun pic claiming I intend to shoot eid, that gif is related to the heated discussion I had with him.)
      Here, you can see me wishing Carking eid, why would I do that if I was islamophobic?

      Why did I protest TMC if I was racist? According to your logic, I should've defended him, but did I do so? I even voted against TMC joining the server.

      Your claims that I'm someone whose ideology matches with TMC is utter garbage. I absolutely despise fascism or hatred against minorities (Check scibdio maridni's wall). I don't see why are you so interested in having beef with me, the real conflict was with Carking and Kadeko, and even they aren't acting like you. You are a disgrace. You have literally contributed nothing except for femboy shit and picking fights with people (NB, roko and now me). Get better than defaming randoms online.

      You are dreaming way too much!!
      btw Joe, I asked you what type of person you are with a question mark, and you proceed to go batshit crazy lol. So Joe, are you the batshit crazy type then? I mean, you are quite the character to say the least. And that’s just scratching the barrel! :whistling:
      Your question was secondary, but the allegations you made were extremely serious. I needed to debunk your lies first. Seems like your theory that I'm racist, islamphobe has already crumbled. Will you answer those questions?

      Coming to your question, you might know that speed is relative, it depends on the frame of reference. In a similar manner, the nature of a person is also relative, it depends on your frame of reference. For some, I might be a good guy, a great friend, while for others, I might be a "mindless zombie". Its over you to identify what my nature is towards you.
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg

    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      Was the peak of forums here like October 2023, to January 2024?
      I think september to Jan, after Jan, we had a major conflict because of the RP, you and NB, the ebb and flow thread and finally TMC in march contributed to the fall.
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg

    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?

      I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      I quite literally gave you the option to move me wrong, and here you are. You are something else. I gave YOU the option to end this argument, because for all I care, you’re a person on an online forum page telling me things that don’t even correlate with my life. So if you may please, quit blabbering.
      As I said, that's flawed logic in Goebbels style... "shut up while I tell you crazy stuff, cause if you talk you're the bad guy". That's not giving an option to end it, that's plain blackmail, especially combined with your continued efforts to stain my wall with useless blatter.

      And I understand that my words don't correlate with your life right now. Truly, I do. Maybe you'll remember them in five years though. It may not be too late even then.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • Joe Bartolozzi wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      Was the peak of forums here like October 2023, to January 2024?
      I think september to Jan, after Jan, we had a major conflict because of the RP, you and NB, the ebb and flow thread and finally TMC in march contributed to the fall.
      yeah TMC was a dickface
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?
      I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      I quite literally gave you the option to move me wrong, and here you are. You are something else. I gave YOU the option to end this argument, because for all I care, you’re a person on an online forum page telling me things that don’t even correlate with my life. So if you may please, quit blabbering.
      As I said, that's flawed logic in Goebbels style... "shut up while I tell you crazy stuff, cause if you talk you're the bad guy". That's not giving an option to end it, that's plain blackmail, especially combined with your continued efforts to stain my wall with useless blatter.
      And I understand that my words don't correlate with your life right now. Truly, I do. Maybe you'll remember them in five years though. It may not be too late even then.
      why do you want me to remember you? Again, I don’t know what your obsession is with how you think yourself (A 40 year old Dutch man) on forums, thinks whatever he says and tells me is automatically the best for my life. Please, keep your grubby fingers out of my life. You are a random human being on an online forum, you have the smallest effect on my life. Please now, end the argument, it’s just brain rot.
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • now Roko, let’s made a little treaty here. To prevent both of us from provoking each other, I have an idea. 1, we will both not comment on each others walls. 2, we will not comment on each others posts, no matter what. 3, we will not insult each other on the forums. If this is followed, then we will have no more problems. Do you accept Roko?
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?
      I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      I quite literally gave you the option to move me wrong, and here you are. You are something else. I gave YOU the option to end this argument, because for all I care, you’re a person on an online forum page telling me things that don’t even correlate with my life. So if you may please, quit blabbering.
      As I said, that's flawed logic in Goebbels style... "shut up while I tell you crazy stuff, cause if you talk you're the bad guy". That's not giving an option to end it, that's plain blackmail, especially combined with your continued efforts to stain my wall with useless blatter.
      And I understand that my words don't correlate with your life right now. Truly, I do. Maybe you'll remember them in five years though. It may not be too late even then.
      You wouldn’t believe the shit he is saying on discord.
    • GeneralTanke wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this Roko, I dare you to prove me wrong by ending this argument right now and not responding to me.
      What you're basically saying here, is that I can only prove that I am somehow "not wrong" is by staying silent when you add new chapters to your stream of garbagageous brain farts. Bravo, that's exactly the kind of construction of arguments that made people like Goebbels great. Unfortunately he died almost 80 years ago now, and his methods have since become exposed and don't work so well anymore. Rethoric technology has moved on since then, and you will find that today's leaders of flawed logic development (the likes of Putin, Trump, and others) do not use those methods anymore.I don't know exactly why you think I'm repetitive. But maybe I should echo the question back to you: do you think you are repetitive yourself? Because if you answer "no", and we all know how you like to type the same thing (I hesitated to use the word "argument" there, but it really doesn't qualify) three times in a row, maybe the word "repetitive" has the exact opposing meaning in your head than it has in regular English?I didn't insult your father; I'm just examining the result of his labor of educating a child. I found that result wanting. That's not an insult, that's a critique.

      And if you say I crave these arguments, yes, you are partly right. I have a strong affinity with teaching. When I see people who are in so obvious need of education, yeah, I want to help them. It is probably useless because you don't actually listen to anything I say to you, but a guy can still hope, can't he?
      I quite literally gave you the option to move me wrong, and here you are. You are something else. I gave YOU the option to end this argument, because for all I care, you’re a person on an online forum page telling me things that don’t even correlate with my life. So if you may please, quit blabbering.
      As I said, that's flawed logic in Goebbels style... "shut up while I tell you crazy stuff, cause if you talk you're the bad guy". That's not giving an option to end it, that's plain blackmail, especially combined with your continued efforts to stain my wall with useless blatter.And I understand that my words don't correlate with your life right now. Truly, I do. Maybe you'll remember them in five years though. It may not be too late even then.
      You wouldn’t believe the shit he is saying on discord.
      ***freaky time*** mehehehehe
      …it’s silly time……….:3
    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      now Roko, let’s made a little treaty here. To prevent both of us from provoking each other, I have an idea. 1, we will both not comment on each others walls. 2, we will not comment on each others posts, no matter what. 3, we will not insult each other on the forums. If this is followed, then we will have no more problems. Do you accept Roko?
      That's kinda pointless. We had a treaty like that, and i really did my best to ignore your stupidity. But you broke it and started posting your nonsense on my wall again. Just as I don't make another treaty with someone who once backstabbed me in a game, I don't feel inclined to trust your word again either.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • russ_russ1 wrote:

      now Roko, let’s made a little treaty here. To prevent both of us from provoking each other, I have an idea. 1, we will both not comment on each others walls. 2, we will not comment on each others posts, no matter what. 3, we will not insult each other on the forums. If this is followed, then we will have no more problems. Do you accept Roko?

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      russ_russ1 wrote:

      now Roko, let’s made a little treaty here. To prevent both of us from provoking each other, I have an idea. 1, we will both not comment on each others walls. 2, we will not comment on each others posts, no matter what. 3, we will not insult each other on the forums. If this is followed, then we will have no more problems. Do you accept Roko?
      That's kinda pointless. We had a treaty like that, and i really did my best to ignore your stupidity. But you broke it and started posting your nonsense on my wall again. Just as I don't make another treaty with someone who once backstabbed me in a game, I don't feel inclined to trust your word again either.
      agree to the treaty and you and I will never have problems again.
      …it’s silly time……….:3

    • This was a crazy game lol, I was playing germany and I had to fight a 1v3 against UK, Italy and USA. This was blitzkrieg and these guys got owned so easily lmao.
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg