Best Nation for HHW

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    • Best Nation for HHW

      What would actually be some of the best/worst nations for a HHW map? Like, USSR seems amazing at first, but thinking about the starting position. And while Germany may be superpower at the start, they might have trouble fighting wars all over their borders? Let's think about worst and best case scenarios.

      The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.
    • I'd pick the South American Countries, most specifically Brazil and Argentina.

      Brazil can be the substitute for those who like the Soviet Union and the position was already taken. It has the allied doctrine though, but you'll feel right at home feeling big; territory and army wise. The Soviets and the Brazilians do share a downside; bordering a lot of nations. You'll have to worry about the Spanish and the Brits, but at least that's the reason why you have such a large starting army.

      Argentina could pick on the AI easily; Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Though having an average starting army, you could easily pick the AI off one by one. This could help you get a head start on resource production for compensation of your doctrine's downfall; unit cost.

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      "Having an army is good. Having the insight of an enemy's is better"
    • I'm moving this discussion to Q+A section.

      But to add to the discussion:

      I really like to pick Persia. I have the most fun with them. No overwhelming advantage so you are starting behind all the big nations but are in a decent spot geographically to grow and be a contender for victory.
    • usa: free win
      germany: free 1000 points then boring africa war
      japan: germany but enemy all goes ai
      ussr: comitern version of usa but more work is required
      uk: get boring because only 7 core cities, not 28
      france: fun for rp but if germany is skilled waiting for dday is boring
      italy: gets blocked off by bigger europe country
      canada: get carried or destroyed by usa
      poland: die to ussr or germany if they are experienced
      persia: weak af i picked it on accident

      the best i think is japan because it is a mix of usa germany and uk. you have island and navy advantage and huge army. the rest of asia is weak af and has almost no troops at start so free points. you can turn island into navy and airplane production only and build speed infantry to zoom around in asia and middle east
    • My favorite nation to play is the Netherlands. The challenge is real, and it’s one of the hardest countries to play with. However, your multiple colonies gives you multiple places to work with. You can grow into a naval power fast.

      - David Goggins
    • BrutusTrump wrote:

      My favorite nation to play is the Netherlands. The challenge is real, and it’s one of the hardest countries to play with. However, your multiple colonies gives you multiple places to work with. You can grow into a naval power fast.
      True, and become barbecue since some crackpots decided to bomb your capital with arty. Really, Germany can fire two nukes and completely destroy the Dutch mainland.

      The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.
    • United States, or maybe China, are the easiest to play. While both have relatively small starting armies, their resource production is enormous. United States is extremely easy to defend and have few immediate threats to begin with. China, although Japan is inclined to attack them right away, is large and slow to take over, especially considering that Manchukuo is separate from Japan. China can also easily build up a capable army over a short period of time, and feasibly become the dominant powerhouse in Asia.

      However, I think the best challenge is playing as the Netherlands.
    • germany is easily the best, you can invade the Soviet Union after invading France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, and little country’s beside you and after you are done invading the Soviets your OP considering now no one can stop you.
    • I reckon Germany

      Also tribunate read Eternal Army by me its bout dutch
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength
    • Almoast every country is best if you better player then your opponents are.

      By equal skills, online times and diplomatic luck you will never be able win with Germany, Italy, France or all lesser nations. Only USSR, USA, GB and Japan have chance for victory in balanced by skill, online time and diplomaty gameround. With a biggest "but", USA are a way to far away to have most fun in such round. In "true" WW2 similar team fight game round is decided in first 3 till 5 days.
      In that time are USA everything but other than superpower. But we ha e second "but" here. USA have chance for Victory, even if axis won first 5 days and killed all european allies and USSR. For sure not soloing, but with allies arround the world.
    • nah. As mentioned, ive beaten active USSR USA france Uk as Germany.... twice
      “I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior. I love only that which they defend.”

      “If you win, you need not explain!”

      “What difference does it make if destruction is wrought under the name of dictators or in the name of democracy?”

      War is Peace
      Slavery is Freedom
      Weakness is Strength