Military School

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    • Military School

      This building will train commanders that will lead your army. Although, you will still move the army. The commander will boost army stats. A stack with a commander will have boosted speed, attack, defense, and hitpoints. However, a commander will only affect 10 units at max. The commander will gain experience after fighting battles. He will level up from the experience he has gained. This is a realistic feature because World War II relied on capable commanders making decisions.
    • Good good

      i think the commanders should have a tree of skills and each one would buff the troops at his command, example: attack, defense, speed, army size, view range etc

      you would have to train new commanders at the commanders school, just like a RPG, you could distribute points for each skill and depending on the level of the school, this rookie new commander would have more points

      of school for air force, marine and armed forces
    • vietcong2005 wrote:

      This building will train commanders that will lead your army. Although, you will still move the army. The commander will boost army stats. A stack with a commander will have boosted speed, attack, defense, and hitpoints. However, a commander will only affect 10 units at max. The commander will gain experience after fighting battles. He will level up from the experience he has gained. This is a realistic feature because World War II relied on capable commanders making decisions.
      That it's realistic doesn't make it appropriate for this game just alone. There are many such things that could be added but each is too complex and makes it difficult to orientate and manage. Too realistic games are just a pain, too complicated for new players to learn. Doesn't mean unrealistic games were good though, they will start getting unfamiliar and not enjoyable at some point. Call of War just found a nice balance, let it stay here.
      "In CoW, don't stamp on things before looking. Rakes are everywhere!"

      "Don't underestimate noobs; if they don't know what they're doing, how can you?"
