Commandos need stealth buff +1 level

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    • Commandos need stealth buff +1 level

      Now are commandos not really stealth unit. Only even lvl 3 commandos are a way too late for stealth spec OPs, since enemy can have already lvl 3++ destealth units at this time.

      I propose we get 1 level commandos more. Lvl 1 should be preresearched at begin (default) , so first research give you already lvl 2 commandos with stats of current lvl1.
      Lvl 1 should have many restriction, to be build and used. Something like only in capitol, with lvl 5 Barracke, with speed 0.1 kmh may be called palastguards (having 0,1 att, but decent deff stats.).

      Lvl 2 commandos should stay with current requiremenrs of current level 1.

      So we get +1 level destealthing immunity for usable commandos units.