Hey Guys,
Welcome to my first day to day report.
It's the first Pan Asian country that I will play, lets discover what the buzz is about, Lets jump right in to it!
Lets start with the Pan Asian bonuses which are sick.

Move speed +20%: think about the possibilities here. In artillery vs artillery battles you can attack and retreat now and the enemy will never be able to counter attack you. Same goes for your navy, just attack, retreat and repeat. Motorized or Mechanized infantry that are already the fastest unit in the game are now even faster. Planes who are already super fast are now even faster which gives you not only an edge in air vs air battles but you can fly faster to whatever threat that comes up.
+35 View Range: You see the enemy coming sooner than ever so you can prepare, they can't surprise you. Your fast units that are running havoc behind enemy lines can now see further and dodge easily any enemy units. The day 1 Armored Car now is just golden.
+20 Terrain Bonus: this only counts for the existing terrain bonuses so for example artillery gets now a +70% bonus in hills and mountains. Armored cars or Light Tanks now have +70% in plains. Regular infantry has +70% in cities. This is like perfect for players who are willing to give up ground and to retreat in a favorable terrain type where they have the advantage and make a stand there, luring the enemy in the trap.
-10% Hit points: Well there had to be a buff otherwise this doctrine would just be too overpowered.
Specific unit bonuses:
- Militia: the research to upgrade them is available sooner giving you an edge over your enemies.
- Regular Infantry: 10% extra hit points, additional 30% bonus in forests and their research is available sooner. It makes the Pan Asian Regular Infantry OP and makes it a strong unit all game long when upgrade along the way.
- Regular Artillery: 15% additional damage output to unarmored units (as most early units are unarmored this is a great bonus) 10% reduction in the production cost, earlier research acces which enables level 2 at day 2 and level 3 at day 4. Those bonuses combined with their additional doctrine terrain bonus makes this a very strong unit.
- Armored Car: gets a 20% bonus vs unarmored troops (combined with the total of 70% terrain bonus on plains, enemy infantry or artillery better not get caught in that terrain). With the extra speed and line of sight that comes with the doctrine an AC has become a dangerous unit. It makes the Pan Asian AC the best scout unit in the game and perfectly suited to monitor your coastline with only a couple of them.
- Light Tank: gets a 15% bonus vs unarmored AND light armored units. Additionally their research upgrades are available sooner which makes them perfect for early rush strategies.
- Interceptor: 15% additional range, 15% additional damage to planes and research earlier available. Together with their already increased speed the Pan Asion interceptor is by far the best in the game where you can dominate Air vs Air battles. Due to their extra range they are perfect as scouts and to get closer to enemy airbases to take out their planes.
- Naval Bombers: 15% additional damage against both submarines and ships, their research is available earlier on to upgrade them.
- Cruisers: Their upgrade research is available sooner.
- Battleships: 10% extra damage output vs ALL unit types!!!, 10% extra hitpoints (which equals the 10% Pan Asian health point penalty) and the upgrade research becomes available sooner.
- Aircraft carriers: knowledge upgrades are available earlier.
- Flying bomb: 20% more damage to all units and a 20% increase of production time. (as they are much weaker then a rocket, single use and can be shot down by interceptors they aren't interesting at all to produce)
Specific unit penalties:
- SP Anti Air: gets a penalty as it's later available in research. (It is OK as Pan Asian interceptors can do the same job)
- Heavy Tank: penalty, research becomes available two days later. (Doesn't bother me, I never use them as they are way too slow)
- Tank Destroyer: penalty, research becomes available later. (Doesn't bother me, the best anti tank unit for me is SP artillery and attack bombers)
- Nuclear rocket, Nuclear bomber, Nuclear bomb: penalty, research becomes available two days later. (I never use nuclear as it's mainly overrated due to both the cost and the research time)
First glance conclusion:
Positive: This doctrine is probably the best doctrine for the more experienced players who are familiar with all the game mechanics, terrain bonuses and unit strength and weaknesses. If you are active and you login the game frequently then this doctrine is perfect for you.
Negative: Most bonuses are for day one units so you start powerful, you can expand fast and it gives you an economical boost. However the doctrine becomes less dangerous towards the mid game and end game. Especially compared with Allies doctrine which becomes more dangerous over time or Axis and Comintern whom are more consistent throughout the game.
Negative: The doctrine has a lot of knowledge upgrades that are unlocked but that are mainly useless as you lack the resources in early game to actually upgrade those units.
Best tactic to use?
I'm thinking fully upgraded AC supported by a lot of planes. Full upgraded LT, infantry, artillery and rocket artillery in a stack to tag along and clean up the bigger stacks. Of course naval bombers, subs, aircraft carriers and battleships protected by destroyers and cruisers. I'll basically try to use only the units that give me bonuses and try to exploit my speed, view range and terrain bonus as much as possible. The AC backed up by my planes would be my main push troop.
Welcome to my first day to day report.
It's the first Pan Asian country that I will play, lets discover what the buzz is about, Lets jump right in to it!
Lets start with the Pan Asian bonuses which are sick.
Move speed +20%: think about the possibilities here. In artillery vs artillery battles you can attack and retreat now and the enemy will never be able to counter attack you. Same goes for your navy, just attack, retreat and repeat. Motorized or Mechanized infantry that are already the fastest unit in the game are now even faster. Planes who are already super fast are now even faster which gives you not only an edge in air vs air battles but you can fly faster to whatever threat that comes up.
+35 View Range: You see the enemy coming sooner than ever so you can prepare, they can't surprise you. Your fast units that are running havoc behind enemy lines can now see further and dodge easily any enemy units. The day 1 Armored Car now is just golden.
+20 Terrain Bonus: this only counts for the existing terrain bonuses so for example artillery gets now a +70% bonus in hills and mountains. Armored cars or Light Tanks now have +70% in plains. Regular infantry has +70% in cities. This is like perfect for players who are willing to give up ground and to retreat in a favorable terrain type where they have the advantage and make a stand there, luring the enemy in the trap.
-10% Hit points: Well there had to be a buff otherwise this doctrine would just be too overpowered.
Specific unit bonuses:
- Militia: the research to upgrade them is available sooner giving you an edge over your enemies.
- Regular Infantry: 10% extra hit points, additional 30% bonus in forests and their research is available sooner. It makes the Pan Asian Regular Infantry OP and makes it a strong unit all game long when upgrade along the way.
- Regular Artillery: 15% additional damage output to unarmored units (as most early units are unarmored this is a great bonus) 10% reduction in the production cost, earlier research acces which enables level 2 at day 2 and level 3 at day 4. Those bonuses combined with their additional doctrine terrain bonus makes this a very strong unit.
- Armored Car: gets a 20% bonus vs unarmored troops (combined with the total of 70% terrain bonus on plains, enemy infantry or artillery better not get caught in that terrain). With the extra speed and line of sight that comes with the doctrine an AC has become a dangerous unit. It makes the Pan Asian AC the best scout unit in the game and perfectly suited to monitor your coastline with only a couple of them.
- Light Tank: gets a 15% bonus vs unarmored AND light armored units. Additionally their research upgrades are available sooner which makes them perfect for early rush strategies.
- Interceptor: 15% additional range, 15% additional damage to planes and research earlier available. Together with their already increased speed the Pan Asion interceptor is by far the best in the game where you can dominate Air vs Air battles. Due to their extra range they are perfect as scouts and to get closer to enemy airbases to take out their planes.
- Naval Bombers: 15% additional damage against both submarines and ships, their research is available earlier on to upgrade them.
- Cruisers: Their upgrade research is available sooner.
- Battleships: 10% extra damage output vs ALL unit types!!!, 10% extra hitpoints (which equals the 10% Pan Asian health point penalty) and the upgrade research becomes available sooner.
- Aircraft carriers: knowledge upgrades are available earlier.
- Flying bomb: 20% more damage to all units and a 20% increase of production time. (as they are much weaker then a rocket, single use and can be shot down by interceptors they aren't interesting at all to produce)
Specific unit penalties:
- SP Anti Air: gets a penalty as it's later available in research. (It is OK as Pan Asian interceptors can do the same job)
- Heavy Tank: penalty, research becomes available two days later. (Doesn't bother me, I never use them as they are way too slow)
- Tank Destroyer: penalty, research becomes available later. (Doesn't bother me, the best anti tank unit for me is SP artillery and attack bombers)
- Nuclear rocket, Nuclear bomber, Nuclear bomb: penalty, research becomes available two days later. (I never use nuclear as it's mainly overrated due to both the cost and the research time)
First glance conclusion:
Positive: This doctrine is probably the best doctrine for the more experienced players who are familiar with all the game mechanics, terrain bonuses and unit strength and weaknesses. If you are active and you login the game frequently then this doctrine is perfect for you.
Negative: Most bonuses are for day one units so you start powerful, you can expand fast and it gives you an economical boost. However the doctrine becomes less dangerous towards the mid game and end game. Especially compared with Allies doctrine which becomes more dangerous over time or Axis and Comintern whom are more consistent throughout the game.
Negative: The doctrine has a lot of knowledge upgrades that are unlocked but that are mainly useless as you lack the resources in early game to actually upgrade those units.
Best tactic to use?
I'm thinking fully upgraded AC supported by a lot of planes. Full upgraded LT, infantry, artillery and rocket artillery in a stack to tag along and clean up the bigger stacks. Of course naval bombers, subs, aircraft carriers and battleships protected by destroyers and cruisers. I'll basically try to use only the units that give me bonuses and try to exploit my speed, view range and terrain bonus as much as possible. The AC backed up by my planes would be my main push troop.
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