The Best Units for Allies Doctrine?

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    • The Best Units for Allies Doctrine?

      Best Units for Allies 71
        Tactical Bombers (52) 73%
        SP Artillery (29) 41%
        Moterized/Mechanized Infantry (18) 25%
        Strategic Bombers (18) 25%
        Medium Tanks (9) 13%
        Infantry (8) 11%
        Light Tanks (8) 11%
        SP Rocket Artillery (7) 10%
        Attack Bombers (3) 4%
        Heavy Tanks (1) 1%
      Hi everyone,

      After having played many games with the Commitern and Axis doctrines, I am now starting for the first time a World at War with the Allies. I am wondering which units you think are the best suited to take advantage of the allies unique features?

      I generally use a lot of Light tanks for their speed, ordinary infantry maxed out and tactical bombers, but I'm wondering if there might be units better suited to the allies?
    • Tactical Bomber is allies doctrine's best unit since they're available in day 1 along with interceptor that can escort them from enemy's interceptor, also in the first day most every player's force is unarmored class such as infantry will be easy prey for tact and their level 2/level3 upgrade is available in day 2 - 3 along with interceptor too. but their greatest weakness is slow, i play every doctrine and i compare their tact but allies tact is too slow lol, i swear.

      in allies doctrine every unit will lost 10% of it's speed but i think is 30% movement speed lol

      this is will covering allied overpowerness along with limited starting resources (especially manpower)since allies doctrine is the real quantitiy and quality donctrine. remember, quality need resource to be upgraded and quantity need resource too to be produced...(especially manpower, no? what do you think? manpower is the real obstacle for spamming)

      this is economic doctrine, unlike strategic doctrine like pan asian.

      TIPS : don't upgraded unit if you don't have level 2+ industry and level 3 recruit station, just spam them with low level, after you have level2+ industry and that recruit station then build new unit with high level and replace your wounded unit before. just keep conquer easy enemy to stabilize your economy if you still in the spamming unit phase (phase that you are spamming unit and building industry at once)

      Normal Day in Call of War

      World at War Playthrough

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tolol_aja ().

    • Just a recomendation, avoid the use of light and medium tanks, they are terrible just bcuz they lack speed, armored cars+tank destroyers combo its a good replacement for allies.
      But tactical bombers its a must have unit.

      The allied doctrine its not very good the first week, but they can hold their own, once the investigation time and cost of upgrading units are too much its when this doctrine start to shine
      "Si crees que esto tendrá un final feliz, es que no has estado prestando atención"

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Danieliyoverde123 ().

    • Although the allied doctrine units have less bonuses and buffs than any other doctrine, they have an insane production speed and cheap research prices. You can almost outproduce any doctrine in terms of units. The key to winning as Allied doctrine is to focus on Air power, Artillery, and Navy. For naval players, the Allied doctrine is perfect. The production speed allows you to produce a large navy.
    • AND DONT SLEEP during war so you can get Victories and SLACK OFF During your work hours in your offices And Betray your neighbors in the early games drink a Coffee and Eat Chocolate and and have a proper exercise and read manga so you will not get bored or listen to a rock music and check the the stats of the players in the COALITION that your near and monitor the time of activity or sleep time of your target and the MOST important rule is DONT TRUST ANYONE ..This is how you can get a WIN in every game of call of war without using GOLD
    • I started this thread a couple of weeks ago on World War map. It's my first time using allies for a large map (but played smaller maps with them) so asked for some tips and advice.
      I have tried out your advice and this is what I found:

      In the Air;
      Most of you suggested Tactical Bombers (and having used them a lot in the past, I was happy to oblige). I have produced them in bulk (forming 10% to 25% of my army). Because of their long range, they have been great at destroying enemies when working in a stack. Especially since the allies are particularly slow moving! I have used them as the first offensive, before my land units arrive and that has worked great.

      Some of you also suggested adding Interceptors to the air force stack. I found these to be more of a nuisance than a benefit. Their short range cannot keep up with the tactical bombers meaning you lose the advantage of the long range and you also have to build twice as many airstrips.

      On Land;
      Tanks: I started by producing lots of light tanks (as they are the fastest tanks). This worked well, as long as you make sure to keep the tanks up to date with research.
      I generally avoided medium and heavy tanks and quickly found the ones I did produce just could not keep up with the rest of the army. They have been useful to be left to defend key positions but they should not be expected to lead any attacks.

      Infantry: As you guys recommended that I avoid regular infantry, I only produced a handful of units. These worked fine at the beginning of the game as you don't need to travel huge distances. However, as soon as it was possible, I started mass producing Mechanized Infantry. Having the same sort of speed as the light tanks, they worked great together, as they could relatively quickly cover expanses of land.

      Ordnance: I discovered that the Mechanized Infantry and light tank combo is great, but is vulnerable to airstrikes and struggled against stacks of heavy tanks. To prevent this, I found that adding 1 SP Anti-Air and 1 Tank Destroyer to the stack solved the problem.
      TIP: Always keep the SP Anti-Air and Tank Destroyer as highly upgraded as possible. Otherwise they will slow down your stack!
      A lot of you suggested using a lot of Artillery. Despite having produced a two dozen level 3 SP Artillery. I have found that they really slow you down as you have to wait for them to slowly disintegrate the enemy. The combo Mechanized Infantry and light tank work fine without them. The only advantage I can see of them is if you are attacking a large stack, but in these situations, I found that tactical bombers can easily do the job (and they are much quicker to move around).

      On the Sea;
      You guys all agree that the Allies doctrine is good for building a large Navy and it is!
      In this game, I used mainly a combination of Battleship stacks and Submarine wolfpacks. I won't go on about it too much but this has worked great.
      TIP: if you are building up your Navy, or simply conquering overseas, max out your Transport Ships! It is really worth it!

      I suggest using Tactical Bombers. They are the allies best friend. Make sure to always build airstrips on newly conquered ground to keep those bombers always on the offensive. Interceptors are not that useful.
      On land, use stacks of light tanks and mechanized infantry. Sprinkle in a high level SP Anti-Air and Tank Destroyer too.
      Artillery could be useful, depending on your playing style (blitzkrieg style players should avoid them).
    • good, now feel the pain of -10% movement speed in the late game when you have to bring your unit across the ocean to deal with enemy. anyway i think cruiser is worth to use, they can deal with anything ecpecially plane, good luck with your game then.

      :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

      let me know if you have another tips

      i have problem of picking land unit to produce, tank destroyer and motorized infantry is good isn't it ???

      Normal Day in Call of War

      World at War Playthrough
    • Danieliyoverde123 wrote:

      Just a recomendation, avoid the use of light and medium tanks, they are terrible just bcuz they lack speed, armored cars+tank destroyers combo its a good replacement for allies.
      But tactical bombers its a must have unit.

      The allied doctrine its not very good the first week, but they can hold their own, once the investigation time and cost of upgrading units are too much its when this doctrine start to shine
      I agree mostly with this, but I think heavily upgraded med tanks are also very good units.
      Kind regards,
      Bytro game addict and avid CoW player.

      "Þ" > "th"

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    • kyokai mai wrote:

      Tactical bombers Interceptors with Armored Car SP Artillery And NAVAL BOMBERS if your near waters just to make sure this is good for Bullying in Early games if your playing Allies and PAN ASIAN based on my Experience AXIS IS weak
      Pan-Asian is probably the best doctrine.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lord Crayfish ().

    • BlackStormz wrote:

      A lot of you suggested using a lot of Artillery. Despite having produced a two dozen level 3 SP Artillery. I have found that they really slow you down as you have to wait for them to slowly disintegrate the enemy. The combo Mechanized Infantry and light tank work fine without them. The only advantage I can see of them is if you are attacking a large stack, but in these situations, I found that tactical bombers can easily do the job (and they are much quicker to move around).
      The advantage of artillery and bombarding ships is obvious, deal damage without taking damage.

      Further, the interceptors are essential when your bomberstacks need protection, against AA as extra HP, or in counterstrikes against enemy interceptors. start a bomb raid with bombers, when you see the interceptors coming you retreat the bombers and assault with your interceptors, then you are attacking and thus stronger than the enemy interceptors.

      Only battleships does not work, you need protections against subs and planes, and you must either use carriers with interceptors or cruiser, i.c.w. destroyers.
    • Gen. Smit wrote:

      BlackStormz wrote:

      A lot of you suggested using a lot of Artillery. Despite having produced a two dozen level 3 SP Artillery. I have found that they really slow you down as you have to wait for them to slowly disintegrate the enemy. The combo Mechanized Infantry and light tank work fine without them. The only advantage I can see of them is if you are attacking a large stack, but in these situations, I found that tactical bombers can easily do the job (and they are much quicker to move around).
      The advantage of artillery and bombarding ships is obvious, deal damage without taking damage.
      Further, the interceptors are essential when your bomberstacks need protection, against AA as extra HP, or in counterstrikes against enemy interceptors. start a bomb raid with bombers, when you see the interceptors coming you retreat the bombers and assault with your interceptors, then you are attacking and thus stronger than the enemy interceptors.

      Only battleships does not work, you need protections against subs and planes, and you must either use carriers with interceptors or cruiser, i.c.w. destroyers.
      As a semi-committed proponent of the battleship and the Tsushima-style pitched battle, aren't aircraft carriers best suited to long-range power projection? They're faster. Battleships are excellent as long as they're protected, and if you don't have them and fight somebody who does, you're gonna have a bad time (see Yalu River)
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks
    • BlackStormz wrote:


      I suggest using Tactical Bombers. They are the allies best friend. Make sure to always build airstrips on newly conquered ground to keep those bombers always on the offensive. Interceptors are not that useful.
      On land, use stacks of light tanks and mechanized infantry. Sprinkle in a high level SP Anti-Air and Tank Destroyer too.
      Artillery could be useful, depending on your playing style (blitzkrieg style players should avoid them).
      Well in my experience artillery is highly useful for the infantry. I generally think it advisable to split the army into infantry unit (slow-moving, mainly anti-unarmoured, with medium tank support and tank destroyers) and cavalry (generally motorised infantry and armoured cars, with light tanks or mechanised for support). This allows lots of force to break down large armies slowly, but also permits exploitation of undefended patches better.
      Even needing anti-air implies no air superiority, which is bad, right?
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks