Core Province Healing for Naval ships and subs

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    • Core Province Healing for Naval ships and subs

      If I have a damaged naval vessel can I get the Damage Repair advantage of being in Core Province at the beginning of a new game day.

      If so, which of the following locations are required to enable it:
      1. At a Core Province Naval Base where ships are built (and in real world repaired),
      2. At a Core Province improved embarkation point (i.e. a Local Port),
      3. At a Core Province unimproved embarkation point,
      4. In coastal waters less than one sea waypoint from any Core Province Embarkation point?
    • Naval vessels can heal antwhere they can move to.
      So inessence a danaged bisnarck in this game instead of moving to brest to repairs will just camp and kill convoys in the atlantic and heal.
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      Secretary of Nova0213
    • This confirms exactly what I have since learned.

      Now tell me what happens if I have Right of Way and place my unit in the center of a province and the attackers are not at war with me. Even if they bombard the units of my host in the center does my unit get hurt or get into a new war? If the attackers unit go through the center does the province become theirs. I know the answer by experiment.
    • Unless they, a human, declare war on me manually first I am not harmed no matter what happens around me. I got right of way from then owner of province so another invader or original owner trying to take it back has no just cause to attack me and to do so put the starting of war on them. Also since I am in Center when invader comes he never meats the Software condition to acquire the province, which is to be the only occupying power in the center. He can coexist with me, go thru me on roads or center.

      Now if I cross someone's boundary without right of way, even sitting and doing nothing, AI can attack and the war is on me because I crossed a boundary without permission. Whether they will attack might depend on how unpopular you are with them. I could cross then go back and I would be perfectly safe until, for other reasons such as being a dreaded nation because of starting war, the AI decided to attack. That war start would not be counted towards being a dread menace permitting AI to attack without formal pretext.

      I could also stand on the same red dot with 15 grouped armies engaged in combat and neither attack their enemy nor receive damage when they do.

      There is also an apparent loop-hole in software. For instance if I patrol above neutral units I can manually set up for war. AI does not also set for war until I take a province or attack a unit. Then every 15 minutes the neutrals units are attacked in patrol mode. As long as I don't launch a full attack war can be avoided by manually switching back to Peace. You can also ambush by going under a patrol and manually turning on war. Use say a couple of carriers moved below patrol planes. Over the course of hours they will drop from sight never to be seen again. It is entirely possible that if you don't switch to peace manually that AI will eventually go to war. I haven't had the occasion for that experiment. This might be a good way to wear down AI nations before an attack using say naval bombers over destroyers or convoys which get good results compared to automatic payback patrol combat causes.

      I originally was trying to find a way to get into war with AI without being the one who started it so I don't get on that most dreaded list too early. Seems like no matter what type of impediment I am they are no programmed to go to war for that reason. If skillfully used two players could help each other from the far side of the world by sending small units to each other to ensure no turnover of a province. That reduces speed by 50% and ensures resources remain with original owner. If owner elects not to defend an urban center it might not cause the attacks on city that destroys buildings, leaving the buildings intact and producing. Sort of like leaving a watchman in a building who is the 12 year old grandson of a mafia warlord. Resources and buildings would be invulnerable.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by iMaximo ().

    • A simple change to naval unit healing would greatly enhance the game by giving naval bases and ports more utility: naval units only heal if in range of a friendly naval base or port. This would make islands more important - for building naval installations. Different types of ships and technology levels would have different ranges (similar to air units). The ranges would NOT be a movement limit but only defining where they can repair and where they cannot.

      A friendly naval installation would be defined as one owned by players granting right of way or better.

      The coding shouldn't be difficult, as at day change healing is already being performed. Simply add a check for if the unit is in range or not to decide if it heals or not.

      An alternate way of checking whether a naval installation is in range or not would be to path-find, rather than use range circles like aircraft. This would be more realistic but a little tougher to code, and a little more resource intensive.