Allow CoW Matches to be Made Using Gold

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    • Allow CoW Matches to be Made Using Gold

      Should this be a feature? 12
        Yes (11) 92%
        Don't Care/No Opinion (1) 8%
        No (0) 0%
        Not Quite as Presented Here (0) 0%
      Let me explain. As most of you know, High Command users can make a coustom match a month, but normal players can't, and not everyone has the money to get high command(including me). So, here's the solution: make everyone be able to create matches, however, it will cost gold. Something like 10k, so that it wouldn't be worth it to make it just to win. There will be a limit on this, of course. 1 Match per month for normal players, and for HC, 3 (including 1 free one that comes with it). This way, I can enjoy CoW with my friends together on one match without spending tons of money. (kinda still am but with gold). Anyway as I write this is pretty late, so please, pardon any grammar/spelling mistakes. I know there used to be problems with match spamming in the past(hence non-HC players can't make matches) and I think this is a good solution. Let me know what you think!
      Kind regards,
      Bytro game addict and avid CoW player.

      "Þ" > "th"

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    • soymex wrote:

      I love this. Supremacy 1914 HC users allow to create 5 games per month, so maybe here it could also be 5 instead of 3.
      Just a thought.
      The problem before was that people would create matches and choose the best nations, winning and getting gold from that. What I propose is that everyone would be able to create matched, but for a fee, like 10k gold, so that it's not worth making just to win for the gold. This will be useful for matches with groups of friends.
      Kind regards,
      Bytro game addict and avid CoW player.

      "Þ" > "th"

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