Why is 'spam' filtered out from the News?

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    • NoobNoobTrain wrote:

      No. Could you please just stay on the topic? Is it OK to filter out a simple expression as 'Gold spamming'? I don't think it is. I find it unnecessary and over sensitive.
      i find it logical that this is censored in newspaper as first of all it is a public viewable message which could Demerit a player and an already sensitive Function that the company uses to monetize and turn a Profit.
      People get very emotional on the topic of gold spamming and lower to profane usage of the language at times, such can be prevented by this.

      As to the question posed here: i do not know, I can only decide based on the cumulative advantages or disadvantages (which is murky waters for me) of this system.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Map/In-Game Rules - Terms of Use - Call of War- Forum

      Basics – World Herald, Coalitions & Diplomacy:
      • Imagery related to fascism and National Socialism is strictly forbidden. If you use such symbols, names, or praise of National Socialism and fascism, you will be BANNED from a round, or we may be forced to delete your account. If necessary, we may be forced to take legal action.
      • The denunciation of Gold and/or High Command and its users is not permitted and leads to an immediate one time warning in any game. (The use of Gold is an explicit part of the game and is NOT a form of cheating). The same applies to the premium account.
      • We do not allow harmful, abusive, vulgar, racist, ethnically dubious or other harmful posts.
      • The use of more than one account is strictly prohibited. As stated clearly in Call of War’s Terms of Service;
    • NoobNoobTrain wrote:

      No. Could you please just stay on the topic? Is it OK to filter out a simple expression as 'Gold spamming'? I don't think it is. I find it unnecessary and over sensitive.
      Well I wouldn't mind staying on topic if you didn't change the topic all the time! As I recall you were complaining about "censoring" which really has very little to do with either blotting out the "f*ck" or "g*ld sp*mmer" words. This is the internet and all kind of filth goes around; I really don't mind that some of it is filtered.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • 6thDragon wrote:

      Map/In-Game Rules - Terms of Use - Call of War- Forum

      Basics – World Herald, Coalitions & Diplomacy:
      • Imagery related to fascism and National Socialism is strictly forbidden. If you use such symbols, names, or praise of National Socialism and fascism, you will be BANNED from a round, or we may be forced to delete your account. If necessary, we may be forced to take legal action.
      • The denunciation of Gold and/or High Command and its users is not permitted and leads to an immediate one time warning in any game. (The use of Gold is an explicit part of the game and is NOT a form of cheating). The same applies to the premium account.
      • We do not allow harmful, abusive, vulgar, racist, ethnically dubious or other harmful posts.
      • The use of more than one account is strictly prohibited. As stated clearly in Call of War’s Terms of Service;

      Telling that someone is spamming gold can hardly be called 'denounciation'. I do not at all object to the gold concept. It is more like a warning to other players that here's a guy who insta-buys building and units.
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      NoobNoobTrain wrote:

      No. Could you please just stay on the topic? Is it OK to filter out a simple expression as 'Gold spamming'? I don't think it is. I find it unnecessary and over sensitive.
      Well I wouldn't mind staying on topic if you didn't change the topic all the time! As I recall you were complaining about "censoring" which really has very little to do with either blotting out the "f*ck" or "g*ld sp*mmer" words. This is the internet and all kind of filth goes around; I really don't mind that some of it is filtered.
      The subject was not changed on my account. You are now just hair splitting.
    • NoobNoobTrain wrote:

      Telling that someone is spamming gold can hardly be called 'denounciation'. I do not at all object to the gold concept. It is more like a warning to other players that here's a guy who insta-buys building and units.
      the logic why blacklisting or just mere naming Betrayors in the game is banned applies here.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • I don't understand the specific reason of making this thread.

      Even if this is true, this doesn't affect the particular game which this forum is about in a disappointing way. There are alternative phrases for this anyway. There is only 2 forms of income from this specific game.

      Premium Users (High Command)Gold

      • It isn't widely bought
      • Lasts a temporary period
      • Not much exploit done with it
      • Nothing much can be done from it

      • Is widely bought, (atleast more than 1000 users have bought it in a rounded up time span of 5 years of creation)
      • It is in a form of currency in the specific game
      • Some people buy millions of gold, which can turn the whole game
      So, The so called "gold spammer" phrase exists

      So this can be a buisness move by the person incharge of doing this.


      Next, The ToS also plays a huge rule here:-

      It is against the rules to,

      1. Denouncing or Harassing other players.
      2. Denouncing Gold (Currency in-game) or it's buyers or users.

      So this can be the reason why this specific action has taken place, I can be wrong because I'm just a player and I'm saying this out of statements heard by me unofficially only.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Claudio NVKP ().

    • Rather than hash out points that have already been made, I would just like to point out that the chat filter, news filter, whatever filter is way more imperfect than this one phrase. try typing "klondike bar" or "beef jerky" in chat sometime. :P

      The idea behind filtering this phrase is indeed because it is considered an insult. The filter also filters perfectly harmless words, like "jerk" because it is also an insult. But the filter just isnt that smart, nor are it's settings perfect.

      For folks that dont like their freedom of speech infringed upon, remember that although we do indeed have the right to free speech in the US, we still are not allowed to yell fire in a theater, nor may we kid about having a bomb while we board an airplane, and ofc we cant shout obscenities at a child.

      It goes back to the old saying that is so wise "Your right to swing your fist ends where the other guy's nose begins."

      I can remember when it was an instant perma ban in chat to simply just say "Hitler". Slowly but surely the volunteer staff have endeavored to make the chats both safe and fun for all who participate. The guys continue to always attempt to moderate in a fair and consistent manner. Many of the staff have put in countless hours over years to accomplish this.

      Ask yourselves if this will matter tomorrow, and my advice is to laugh about it.

    • Stormbringer50 wrote:

      Rather than hash out points that have already been made, I would just like to point out that the chat filter, news filter, whatever filter is way more imperfect than this one phrase. try typing "klondike bar" or "beef jerky" in chat sometime. :P

      The idea behind filtering this phrase is indeed because it is considered an insult. The filter also filters perfectly harmless words, like "jerk" because it is also an insult. But the filter just isnt that smart, nor are it's settings perfect.

      For folks that dont like their freedom of speech infringed upon, remember that although we do indeed have the right to free speech in the US, we still are not allowed to yell fire in a theater, nor may we kid about having a bomb while we board an airplane, and ofc we cant shout obscenities at a child.

      It goes back to the old saying that is so wise "Your right to swing your fist ends where the other guy's nose begins."

      I can remember when it was an instant perma ban in chat to simply just say "Hitler". Slowly but surely the volunteer staff have endeavored to make the chats both safe and fun for all who participate. The guys continue to always attempt to moderate in a fair and consistent manner. Many of the staff have put in countless hours over years to accomplish this.

      Ask yourselves if this will matter tomorrow, and my advice is to laugh about it.

      Actually, some of the things you listed aren't even part of the 1st amendment. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions

      It isn't always "freedom of speech". That's determined by the devs.
      Kind regards,
      Bytro game addict and avid CoW player.

      "Þ" > "th"

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