Starting with Multiple Production Buildings of the same type.

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    • Starting with Multiple Production Buildings of the same type.

      I've seen several players who start with two of the same troop production buildings, such as Ordnance Foundries, on day one; I'm not talking about the newbies that build a tank plant in every city. How much trading on the market or with partners do you have to do to make this work? My hesitation would be that you would use a lot of the resources to build the building and have limited resources left to keep the troop production buildings operational by producing new units. Having two buildings isn't going to help you if you can't keep them in operation. Would it make more sense to increase one to level two instead? I have a pretty standard day one starting plan in terms of what to build. I'm willing to reexam my build order, but I'd like to hear from others experiences.
    • Yeah, you usually don't have the resources to keep them running. On day one, I usually often build two of barracks/foundry/tank factory, that's a big enough drain on your economy to also allow industry and research to keep going. On day 2 I add the third of those, then secret labs when r.arty comes around. The first "double" building I build is aircraft factories, when I have L2 for tacs. Shipyards depend on the situation, sometimes I don't build them until day 6 or so.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • I usually build 2 foundries day 1, then a tank plant and factory. Shipyard delayed a little bit, depends if sea planes aren't enough. Lab on day 2 when rarty is researched.

      I use the 2 foundries to rapidly chuck out artys, then in turn use them to contest and secure AI capitals. I always prioritize securing one very highly early on.
      Worked out for me so far, granted I only really played abt a dozen games.

      It does eat a lot of ress, goods esp but it's manageable. I just burn through my cash when I run short since you start with an abundance of it anyways and I'd rather have it invested than have sit at the top of the screen doing nothing.

      It does have it's flaws and shortcomings but I've never really considered deviating from it until now. I could see a strong case for a 1 foundry only opener. I'll try running it.


      There's also this one experimental build I've been thinking about lately.

      In my last few games, I never really focused on having a strong air force, a conventional air force at least. I only really built interceptors (sea planes too but they're more on the navy), no tacs, no atks, just ints.

      My rationale behind this was that if me and my enemy had equal ress and I invest mine solely in ints and he on ints, tacs, atks, he would undoubtedly lose if our air forces clash. I would also save ress since ints are cheaper to produce, not to mention only needing to research just 1 unit instead of 3, again more ress saved.

      Maybe even go more extreme and ditch planes altogether and just pack land stacks with aa since they simply just dish out so much damage against planes than vice versa. There's also multiple armor classes for ground units versus planes which just have 1.

      My question is, do you think the 2 builds above would work, the first one specially since it's more stable no. 2? It worked for me but then again, my sample size isn't really the biggest. I'm interested for people to weigh in on this.