Moderator Introduction: BeaveRyan

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    • Moderator Introduction: BeaveRyan

      Hey everyone!

      You may have noticed or seen me around in chat or Discord lately as I have recently joined the EN Moderation Team.

      My name is BeaveRyan or you can call me Ryan. I have been playing Call of War on and off for almost 3 years now, and it has been one of the first online communities that I have joined and participated in. I am really glad to be able to help and give back to the community as a moderator in Call of War! Please feel free to let me know if you have any question, or just reach out to me, and I will be more than happy to help!

      A little bit about myself:

      I love to travel, and I have visited many countries around the world (and hopefully more to come). I am a Canadian, but have been living and working abroad for the past couple years. I am a fan of war/strategy games and always find myself discovering new "things" to play with on the internet.

      Once again, feel free to reach out if you need anything!
      EN Community Support | Bytro Labs Gmbh

      Training Alliance United Leader
    • Baperino wrote:

      hello,i have a question, is it possible to play with friends in a multiplayer game ?
      As long as you are not violating the ToS (Eg. Wolfpacking) or using the same IP address. You'll have to get yourself whitelisted by submitting a support request if you have the same IP.
      EN Community Support | Bytro Labs Gmbh

      Training Alliance United Leader