Moderator Introduction: BeaveRyan

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    • Moderator Introduction: BeaveRyan

      Hey everyone!

      You may have noticed or seen me around in chat or Discord lately as I have recently joined the EN Moderation Team.

      My name is BeaveRyan or you can call me Ryan. I have been playing Call of War on and off for almost 3 years now, and it has been one of the first online communities that I have joined and participated in. I am really glad to be able to help and give back to the community as a moderator in Call of War! Please feel free to let me know if you have any question, or just reach out to me, and I will be more than happy to help!

      A little bit about myself:

      I love to travel, and I have visited many countries around the world (and hopefully more to come). I am a Canadian, but have been living and working abroad for the past couple years. I am a fan of war/strategy games and always find myself discovering new "things" to play with on the internet.

      Once again, feel free to reach out if you need anything!
      EN Community Support | Bytro Labs Gmbh

      Training Alliance United Leader
    • Baperino wrote:

      hello,i have a question, is it possible to play with friends in a multiplayer game ?
      As long as you are not violating the ToS (Eg. Wolfpacking) or using the same IP address. You'll have to get yourself whitelisted by submitting a support request if you have the same IP.
      EN Community Support | Bytro Labs Gmbh

      Training Alliance United Leader
    • another collaborator..
      Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?

      Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.

      VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!