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    • :!: *WANTED* :!:

      Looking for proof that someone has, in-fact, been successful as the Netherlands in a HWW round. I've probably played 10 rounds and I've never seen that country active for longer than 4 days. I also haven't had the luck of the country being available to pick when starting. I imagine it's impossible to do without a sympathetic Germany or UK. I also don't know what that country starts out with units-wise.

      Let's see your results, and share your strategy!
      The elephant is the only land mammal that cannot jump.
    • I don’t know about successful, but I’ve seen Netherlands survive only with colonies. The leader was active, and the round lasted about 15-20 days. Talking about troops, I think there are about 5-10 land troops in the core provinces, 1-2 ships, and a few troops in the colonies (I may be wrong about the colonies, may be more or less). After I invaded Netherlands as Germany (well, according to you, I’m sympathetic), I offered peace, and later on share map since I felt bad for him as he even applied to the coalition. So yes, it is possible to survive, and possibly even win if you have amiable neighbors.