Attack bombers: Why do you need them?

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    • Attack bombers is one of the most important units u will need.
      It can play three roles:
      1, anti heavy armored
      2,anti un armored
      3 anti ship
      attack bomber in a large stack( more than 10) can do almost the same thing ur tactical bomber and naval bomber can do, so its extremely important, and its the only one who can damage panzers efficiantly
    • kifx1e wrote:

      its the only one who can damage panzers efficiantly
      Except possibly in Axis, tactical bombers do more damage to heavy armour than attack bombers do to unarmoured. However it is true that attack bombers on their own do more damage to light armour than tacs and are better against ships.
      Also, you may want to change that pfp with the visible swastika and obvious uniform of likely the worst war criminals of the 20th Century to something more wholesome, partly because it's against Bytro's laws to glorify such things and because a company operating in Germany has legal issues with the depiction of the Nazis and SS.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lord Crayfish ().