Do all countries produce the same amount of resources?

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    • Do all countries produce the same amount of resources?

      My apologies if this has been asked and answered.

      As resources are so vital, what countries produce more than others?

      Is there a list somewhere that shows who produces what and how much?
      "Do not discriminate, kill them all."
      SlamHammer 2022
    • On most maps there are subtle differences. For instance, most countries get one resource with two rural province that produce it and a resource with no rural province. All countries get one city with each resource. This is for the 100 player, the 50 player Pacific map, and the 22 player ones. I understand the historicals are a little different, but I have minimal experience with them.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 6thDragon ().

    • Countries in every map except historical world war map have almost the same amount of resources although they may vary from one another in what kind of resource they can produce more like some countries may produce more oil while some may be getting more foods but country's producing resources amount are all the same. just one difference the countries with bigger area got more province altogether 26 while smaller ones got only 21 so the more provinces nations got more manpower that's all. In historical maps, Soviet Union come up with the largest production obviously then follows by may be US, UK, France, China, Germany, India, Japan, Brazil, Italy and the latter ones are not much different from each other.