You can call this a vent

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    • You can call this a vent

      I've been playing this game for years, but sometimes I quit or forget about it and focus on better things in my life. This is a game which I enjoy a lot but I fail to get the experience the game was designed for.
      I can't find games, everyone always offline. I join an event game or normal game and all I see is everyone is a user4514571358358358129547529359492 badjilion numbers. Which log in, Don't do anything, not even barracks anything, so when you conquer them you gotta build everything and there is no reward of wining the war and conquering them. And when you find out a player that isn't a noobie or person who just joins and leaves instantly its always a try hard that spends his salary in gold to win a game against bots and inactive players.
      Not to talk about that everything takes so long, like I'm from Portugal and I grabbed the fastest troops and made them do a Journey that I do a lot in real life which I usually take 2 hours irl and it takes 5 or something in game, the same for airplane rides.

      I wish there could be some game which I could play and nobody used gold, everyone started equal and fair and were active.
      The event going on of the 1944 endgame is super fun and creative and Thank you developers for it, but I find myself fighting alone to stationed troops of players who gave up.

      I want to have fun in this game and have to strategize and make alliances and be the strongest to win fairly. Like the game was intended to.

      They should make games for noob players and games for active players, and gold free games and people around your level.
    • They are not going to create gold-free games, so (everyone) stop asking.
      It makes the devs stop listening to the rest of what you have to say.

      I would be up for paying gold/cash up-front to join a game.
      There needs to be an incentive NOT to join countless maps and leave on the first day.
      Keep the free to play maps for people who want to try (and leave) unlimited games.
      Give us maps where players have a strong incentive to stay.
      Paying to get in is a good incentive for activity.
    • Maybe a quicker activity countdown specifically for first-day ghosters? Like if someone never moves a troop or builds a building for the entirety of the first day, they go AI at the first day change (rather than waiting until the third day change). Every other circumstance uses the regular two-day countdown.

      It's still not quite an active player but it's something a bit harder than stationary troops.
    • jubjub bird wrote:

      Maybe a quicker activity countdown specifically for first-day ghosters? Like if someone never moves a troop or builds a building for the entirety of the first day, they go AI at the first day change (rather than waiting until the third day change). Every other circumstance uses the regular two-day countdown.

      It's still not quite an active player but it's something a bit harder than stationary troops.
      LOL, and most knowledgeable players look for these inactives to take advantage of. I agree with you on the ghosters. Make inactivity 12 hours on day1, 24 on day2 .. and normal afterwards.