Rewatch Game Option

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    • Rewatch Game Option

      Some games are really interesting. Some situations would be cool to recall, rewatch. It would be nice to be able to watch the game, rewind it to front and back, after it's ended! 8o

      We could take perspective and check the orders of different guys or just watch the whole game. It would be available in some downloadable file. Some games, but with turns, like enable to watch history of the game. It would be interesting to have such option here to show and promote best games, share with others, discuss strategies and more. It's nice community-building option then.

      People could post their games on blogs or make videoblogs and post it on youtube and share, while promoting the game same time! :thumbup:
    • Seroslav wrote:

      Some games are really interesting. Some situations would be cool to recall, rewatch. It would be nice to be able to watch the game, rewind it to front and back, after it's ended! 8o

      We could take perspective and check the orders of different guys or just watch the whole game. It would be available in some downloadable file. Some games, but with turns, like enable to watch history of the game. It would be interesting to have such option here to show and promote best games, share with others, discuss strategies and more. It's nice community-building option then.

      People could post their games on blogs or make videoblogs and post it on youtube and share, while promoting the game same time! :thumbup:
      You can kind of already do that if you look in the newspaper and just flip through the pages and look at the front-lines change, but I understand what you mean with sharing the files.
      It's been a while
    • Newspaper is long and boring. Imagine reading it after 30 days of playing, would You read it? Really? ;)

      Seeing a map, which You can zoom in and zoom out, make it faster or slower and move around is more what I think about. You could record it while commenting and make nice after-game video to publish or have for You on computer.
    • Then such rewatching links could be shared on forum among players to watch, comment, learn how to play, put on youtube and so on :) like an e-sport, commenting way, with some audio talking comments

      Not to be a problem to have it on servers, such game-watch-files could be downloadable for example for 30 days after the finishing of the game. Files opened in browser, where we have few options of viewing, like speed, pausing, rewind, zoom in/out. So it would be possible to make videos with comment, while rewatching games.

      Might be another option available for gold.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Seroslav ().

    • I really do like the idea, but I fear the time and programming costs of adding such a feature make its implementation unlikely.

      I, for one, would probably use it frequently, but somehow I doubt Bytro Labs would ever see a direct return equal to its up-front programming costs.

      [Oops. I just realized this is an ancient thread (2015) to which a new forum member just responded.]