CoW Unit Browser Update

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    • I wanted the original image, not a replacement.
      So I wanted to know how to directly access the files the developer is working on.
      However, if you compromise that it is not the original image, I thought it was more important whether it was in the SVG file format or not.
      This is because the SVG format is often used to represent data that can be represented by repeating fundamental shapes such as circles, arcs, and rectangles.
      In other words, I expected that there would be no big difference in quality regardless of who made it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by pod_than ().

    • freezy wrote:

      In our balancing table we round all Doctrine damage values to 1 digit after comma
      @freezy I noticed that the HP values are also rounded. For example, pan-asian lvl 2 artillery have 14 HP, but 15*0.9 = 13.5. It seems all the pan-asian HP values are rounded up when the calculated value is X.5. I don't actually see any fractional ones that are not X.5, but for completeness, if one was say, X.4 would it still be rounded up to X+1 or down to X?
    • freezy wrote:

      DxC wrote:

      @freezy Taking the level 1 AA as an example again, there appears to be a conflict between some base values (I assume that is what the "0" prefix means) and doctrines. For example, as far as I can tell allies and pan-asian shouldn't have modifications of anti air attack values, but they differ from the base value of, for example, LiAr:1.5 and instead have 1.6. I will derive the doctrine values from the base values myself, but just wondering if this is something real or perhaps the doctrine values were not updated in the second table?
      The Anti Air values in the sheet are actually correct. In our balancing table we round all Doctrine damage values to 1 digit after comma, and those are exported to the game. The reason for that is because we know that ingame we only show 1 digit, so we also wanted to reflect that in the actual values. In previous balancing changes it may have been forgotten that digits are rounded for Doctrines, so when entering new base values designers may have entered 2 digit numbers. But those were then correctly rounded to 1 digit for the Doctrines.
      This only applies to attack damage values tho, because:

      DxC wrote:

      @pod_than Not sure what you mean.

      @freezy I also noticed that the ratio's still don't add up exactly. For example take Militia level 1. The base attack for UnAr is 1.7. The multiplier is 1.5 so you expect defense to be 1.70*1.5=2.55, but the table says 2.60. It still seems like these values are rounded one way or another.
      Thanks for pointing this out, because this actually is indeed an issue, it's a flaw even in our main balancing sheet. In the game code, Defense values are derived from applying a the att/def ratio on the attack values, and not from the defense values put into the balancing sheet (this is also why we for example cannot give units varying ratios for each armor class, it can only have 1 same ratio for all of them). So while the attack values for doctrines are rounded to 1 digit in our sheet as explained above, and taken like that into the game, the defense values ingame are actually calculated by multiplying the ratio with that attack value, as you demonstrated. So while the attack value is correctly rounded to 1 digit in our balancing sheet, the defense value in our balancing sheet is incorrectly rounded to 1 digit as well, while ingame this rounding doesnt occur because the defense values are not taken from our balancing sheet directly, and also not rounded. I hope it somehow made sense to you.
      I fixed the rounding of defense values in our sheet and also in this file, so here it is again (sigh):

      Does someone have an Updated Version of this Sheet?