Staff not banning multi ACC players

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    • Staff not banning multi ACC players

      <p>I'm playing a 73 event match that Nationalist China is using Xinjiang as a resource farm. I've reported a day ago and the staff is not taking any action about it, he's about to take a solo victory. Not in this match but I had reported some players about multi acc as well and they didn't got banned as well. So I'm wondering if Bytro is permiting multi acc now, this is unfair and makes the game unplayable.</p>
    • Hi Galdon,

      It normally takes 2-3 days as we do receive a lot of tickets and it may take time to process. Even if we do process the ticket, you may not get a response from us due to EU Privacy Laws. In this case, either the users weren't farming off of others, or we have not gotten to it.

      As of right now, is the problem still occurring or have you gotten a response from support?
      EN Community Support | Bytro Labs Gmbh

      Training Alliance United Leader
    • Also many new player believe that other players are multi accting when in fact they are not, they are just very good players or have used gold to get a quick and early boost. What proof do you have? Dont mention the play in question by name as that is a violation of the TOS as well.
      "Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am less concerned about the later than the former. Space we can recover, lost time never." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

      "Anyone who has to fight, even with the most modern weapons, against an enemy in complete command of the air, fights like a savage against modern European troops, under the same handicaps and with the same chances of success." ~ Erwin Rommel
    • Multi accounters are recognizable/have signature that without any coimmunication and link have very synchronized actions. When there is an alliance involved they already may use out of game communication. When in the endphase the one or more multiaccount gets sacrificed for the other other multi-accounts to provide for example for a solo-win. We cannot look into IP address, but if this happens from one adres/location (as they may use 5G as well) often then you are sure there is something fishy, otherwise it is just playing together, which may be questionable if its not AvA, but it will surely take the fun out of looking for partners to c-oalign with, because a smooth coalition team will be hard to beat.

      I want to add, what if multiple players are present in one house, a ban should be avoided, thus there should be a "history of abuse".

      Since I dont know how Bytro deals with this I avoid playing with a person from my household in a single game, which he doesnt get why, but I prefer to avoid a ban for something I didnt do. rather than explaining the issue after receiving a ban.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Gen. Smit ().