High Command vs Gold

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  • High Command vs Gold

    First off, i want to say that this is the best strategy game, as is, i have seen on the net. Love it.

    Still, it could be improved and i'd like to help make it 'The Perfect Game' - so no one will ever want to play anything else.

    :) ;) :rolleyes:

    About me and Gold:

    i'm an old-timer strategy gamer - been playing all forms of strategy games for uh, uh, uh, let's just say, a lot of years. In principle, i don't like gold or gold use. i want to play games against good strategists and i think i have a right to decide how i want to invest my time (and even money). i want to play against people who have a chance to whip me by playing a game well, not by cracking out the Mastercard. Playing games under those conditions is, to me, a waste of time.

    i do, however, understand the monetary aspect. Bytro needs to make money.

    The High Command really is the ideal solution. We get this great game for free, essentially. It operates around the clock and takes some time - weeks at least. i think that's great. Others who want a faster game that plays in a few hours can look elsewhere.

    What' s the main problem of this type of around-the-clock-format? Well, none of us can sit at our computers around the clock. Sometimes we have to sleep, or eat, and some of us even have to go to work (OMG!).

    So what's the solution to making sure your country's production goes on and your empire isn't overrun while you're making corporate decisions? How about a set of tools that allows you to have the AI, however poorly, manage some of that for you. So, usher in the concept of 'The High Command.'

    It's the perfect solution. People willing to pay for it get an ability to manage at least (if not actually play) to fill in the gaps. Others who want to play entirely for free can do that as well, as long as they don't have anything to do with their lives. So, there really is no advantage of being a High Commander over anyone else. Unlike gold spamming which is just cheating and handicapping for poor players who want to win without ever actually being any good at gaming.

    So that's the concept, but the list of AI-enabled abilities need to be improved and refined by the time my subscription expires or i won't renew it. The queuing of production is OKAY (a research queue needs to be added) but the capabilities of unit actions and responses needs to be dramatically improved. At present, i don't even think fighters on patrol will attack enemy units in their airspace (correct me if i'm wrong). And tanks and selected battlegroups should be able to initiate spoiling and counterattacks rather than just sit there and be decimated by enemy artillery and TAC.

    (Hint: Reply to this thread with improvements needed to the High Command to make it better.)

    Two other things i'd like to see with High Command:

    1. No Gold or Limited Gold games as an option. Limited Gold (player setting up can choose max amount anyone can use) could then be a strategy factor to consider and not a game-ruining farce.

    2. Opponent Transcript File. This would be a file attached to a player's identity that High Commanders could use to critique or comment on a player's play and behavior. This would be a factor that could be used to determine whether to allow unknown players to password-protected games.

    To Bytro: By the way, you really need to ADVERTISE the availability and FEATURES included in the High Command rather just letting people stumble upon it and work up the courage to buy something that they have no idea what it does. Yes, i like the concept. YES, it needs to be improved.

    All for now.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by I'm Sleepless In Seattle ().

  • A follow-up to my initial post and this is mostly aimed at Bytro. This concerns the BENEFITS of offering Limited Gold games.

    Offering a Limited Gold option (even to non-High Command users) would have two VERY BENEFICIAL POSITIVE EFFECTS:

    1. When a player sees a game and it advertises that the game is limited to, say, 25,000 gold, he knows right from the start that gold can be used and how much.

    POOF!!!! All the whining about gold use will instantly disappear. He can either join the game and put up with it or not join at all. He doesn't have to worry that the hundreds of hours he plans to invest in the game will be ruined by some 'person' with an open credit card and millions of gold.

    2. If he STILL REALLY wants to join the game and wants to compete on an even keel, he will probably go out and buy the gold so he can.

    Either way, POOF!!!. No more whining, no more buying victory.

    I STRONGLY SUSPECT (listen closely Bytro) that Gold buying and use would go up if game limits are established, perhaps dramatically. If the limits are reasonable and people really want to play they'll toss 5, 10, 15 bucks for a fair game.

    And i suspect you'll collect a lot more money.