(discord) moderation

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    • (discord) moderation

      Dear Bytro,

      I really think your (discord) moderators should learn to feedback WHY people have violated rules.

      This is essential in
      -Learning not to do it again, this is how the brain works
      -makes clear what is undesired in less clear situation
      -establishes more uniform moderation.

      Maybe it seems it is too much work, but a fire and forget button to mute or ban people without any second of thinking and reasoning why it is justified makes the moderation process unclear and certainly ambiguous.

      If I were to be responsible I know that I want the reason why a volunteer/employee made a decision, your still dealing with clients here, whether they are paying or not.
    • jubjub bird wrote:

      My recent experience with the discord has been disappointing. It's mostly shitposting and telling new players how dumb they are. More Moderator presence might help with all these issues.
      I don't own discord, but that seems like a problem they need to fix, I think they should add more discord moderators (Not that I have discord)
      Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe