'Plus' numbers for stats

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    • 'Plus' numbers for stats

      A unit's information chart often shows + (any number) after its Hitpoints or its Speed or its Damage, etc.

      But what does that mean? For example, what does a speed of 38 + 3 mean? Surprisingly, the level of the unit below the one I just cited has a speed of 35 +5. Hardly any difference? I don't know, I don't understand the information very well.

      Also, there are little gray boxes to help visualize how fast, or how hard, or whatever... Sometimes there are little green boxes too... What do the green boxes indicate?

      Thank you.
    • Kolonnos wrote:

      A unit's information chart often shows + (any number) after its Hitpoints or its Speed or its Damage, etc.

      But what does that mean? For example, what does a speed of 38 + 3 mean? Surprisingly, the level of the unit below the one I just cited has a speed of 35 +5. Hardly any difference? I don't know, I don't understand the information very well.

      Also, there are little gray boxes to help visualize how fast, or how hard, or whatever... Sometimes there are little green boxes too... What do the green boxes indicate?

      Thank you.
      Suppose you are checking Higher level unit stats. The gray number is showing the level's stat value, the green number is showing increment from prev level.

      The gray box is a scale, it shows the previous unit stat values, while the green scale is showing you increment.
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