Why do People Love Militia?

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    • Why do People Love Militia?

      Do you use Militia (regularly, meaning researching higher levels, mass production, etc) 44

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      I'm confused about why so many players here like militia. I get that they are stealth on most provinces, but they just don't seem to be worth it for me.

      Some down sides of Militia:

      • They need to be at least level 3/4 to even be helpful
      • One of the slowest units in the game
      • Vulnerable on plains (the most common province type)
      • Little to no defense against heavy armour and air
      • Everything they can do, infantry can do better
      The last bullet on this list is probably why I don't bother researching them past level 1 (which i may make level 1 militia sometimes to prevent a city from rebelling). I have found that Infantry and Armoured Cars are stronger, faster, and more versatile in defensive combat.

      What does everyone else think?
      “A battle fought without determination is a battle lost.” - Josip Broz Tito
    • As jub jub said, they are cheap, and they are insanely good for what they are, good AA defense and superb defensive stats and pretty good attack.(if upgraded)
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • Besides being stealth they are one of the better units in terms of HP and attack and defense power against all armor classes relative to their production cost and time. Their disadvantages are speed and if you are struggling with manpower and/or food there may be better choices depending on your goals.
    • While I don’t use them that much, when I do, they are very helpful, especially in forest and/or pan-Asian countries. It’s very cheap and cost effective, fast to spam, good against most units (it even has air defense). While it’s not the best unit for offense (even with stealth they are kinda lackluster at times), it’s great for defense, especially when you can use the Pan-Asian bonuses and forest to screw with your enemies.

      Edit:I still do use infantry more. They are just more versatile and faster.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Carking the 6th ().

    • The actual answer is that Infantry are pretty useless in mid to late game, where their main function is to soak damage to keep other, more useful units performing well, such as in RRG stacks. Militia perform this better because they're the cheapest way of diluting damage, and the speed issue isn't actually an issue when you're stacked with RRGs.

      I don't think I've ever intentionally researched even Level 2 of infantry, while I regularly take militia up to L3.
    • jubjub bird wrote:

      The actual answer is that Infantry are pretty useless in mid to late game, where their main function is to soak damage to keep other, more useful units performing well, such as in RRG stacks. Militia perform this better because they're the cheapest way of diluting damage, and the speed issue isn't actually an issue when you're stacked with RRGs.

      I don't think I've ever intentionally researched even Level 2 of infantry, while I regularly take militia up to L3.
      I have never researched lvl2 Infantry, but i make Max Militia as often as i can, and i gotta agree with this.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • jubjub bird wrote:

      The actual answer is that Infantry are pretty useless in mid to late game, where their main function is to soak damage to keep other, more useful units performing well, such as in RRG stacks. Militia perform this better because they're the cheapest way of diluting damage, and the speed issue isn't actually an issue when you're stacked with RRGs.

      I don't think I've ever intentionally researched even Level 2 of infantry, while I regularly take militia up to L3.
      That’s interesting, since I usually max them out to great effect. Not only do they soak up damage and are cheaper and faster, but they also have actually well balanced stats that allow them to attack or defend against many types of units. You also almost always start off with tons of them, making infantry very cost effective to upgrade. There is also intimidation, as most players I see are more likely to back down to an army with lost of infantry rather than militia, even though the militia can also both a powerful threat. I also never use RRGs since planes are more effective though, so that may be a cause of our disagreement. I’d say both are very effective in many circumstances.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Brando Dilla wrote:

      I'm confused about why so many players here like militia. I get that they are stealth on most provinces, but they just don't seem to be worth it for me.

      Some down sides of Militia:

      • They need to be at least level 3/4 to even be helpful
      • One of the slowest units in the game
      • Vulnerable on plains (the most common province type)
      • Little to no defense against heavy armour and air
      • Everything they can do, infantry can do better
      The last bullet on this list is probably why I don't bother researching them past level 1 (which i may make level 1 militia sometimes to prevent a city from rebelling). I have found that Infantry and Armoured Cars are stronger, faster, and more versatile in defensive combat.

      What does everyone else think?
      Can't add much to what has been said, but slowness is negated in Pan-Asian, and actually the air defence is better than a lot of "good" units. So there's that.
      It is less efficient, in cost/damage, than infantry.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks
    • Militia is on the same level as AC, arty, or tacs as one of the best units in the game. Check out why here:

      The Militia Guide
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by K.Rokossovski ().

    • occasionally using militia but when i do i got goddamn comeback, enemy using meatshield and i wait his shield to pass my militia and strike his artilery in the rear, lock his shield with tanks. from that tactical victory he start losing momentum and retreat

      Normal Day in Call of War

      World at War Playthrough
    • I think the conclusion here is that militia can be very versatile and powerful, but don’t function well in certain situations. While they are not an end all be all, if used correctly, for example with the pan-Asian doctrine in a heavily forested region they can be an absolute nightmare, easy to spam and ridiculous to fight. But if you are say an allied player attacking another allied player who has interceptors and tac bombers, and mostly plains in their country, then you will faulter in this rare case. But in the end they are very versatile, cheap and annoying unit to face, one without many counters if used correctly.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      I think the conclusion here is that militia can be very versatile and powerful, but don’t function well in certain situations. While they are not an end all be all, if used correctly, they can be an absolute nightmare. But in the end they are very versatile, cheap and annoying unit to face, one without many counters if used correctly.
      If think that there are no bad units at all. There are merely unfavourable situations.
      I do not use all units, but that is because I am unflexible, or have an established fighting style.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks