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    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      No, the land was emotionally, culturally and religious wise more attached to us.
      Not really. It was still more Indian than Portuguese linguistically (overall Portuguese was not as spoken even if it had an influence)

      There are more Hindus:
      “Unlike the common perception, Goa is not a Christian majority state, but a Hindu majority state. Coexistence Of Religious Harmony.“

      And If I recall correctly the majority of Goans were happy when India invaded and wanted to join India.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      See, you have NOT Done your research correctly,

      1. Linguistically, I agree but everything else is leaned towards us.
      2. I said WAS, because before 1961, it was a Christian majority state. After that Indians came and conquered.
      Well to be fair this is colonial Portugal we are talking about. They most likely forced the people there to convert, as Portugal and other empires commonly did. And overall, it seems the people wanted to leave by the time India invaded, which has to account towards something.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Ermmm..... we don't talk about the 1600's.

      But Goan people were granted citizenship and became an integral part of portugal after the assimilation program conducted by saviour, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar.

      Everything was fine by then, here's proof:-

      Even now, the situation is same:-
      Yeah but Salazar is the same guy who fought to keep Africans who didn’t want to be part of Portugal in a war compared by some to Vietnam. He also was a dictator who worked developing the country, fixing the economy, and giving citizenship to minorities. But also also used secret police and censorship. Not to mention Portugal was quite poor compared to its peers under him.


      Under him there was mass torture, poverty, 40% of the budget on military, 3 days of mourning after hitler died, and more. While I couldn’t find anything on him in Goa I don’t think it was better then European or African Portugal.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      Under him there was mass torture, poverty, 40% of the budget on military, 3 days of mourning after hitler died, and more. While I couldn’t find anything on him in Goa I don’t think it was better then European or African Portugal.
      completely false and baseless statement
      I mean look at the sources, they seem to be credible. Even wikipedia backs it up, i don’t know what else you’d need.

      Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Salazar made portugal better than ever, he was the best thing portugal could ever ask for. Portugal was poor due to its circumstances. He couldn't magically make it rich. Ask any man in the streets who has lived during his rule.

      Even then the country was doing way better after it became democratic, and Portugal is now a pretty modern country that is doing fine, especially by global standards… well asking a man on the streets is not the best option, anecdotal evidence is not the best source. Plus there are many anecdotes about the opposite thing…

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Salazar brought economic reform, he increased literacy rate and kept portugal neutral in WW2.

      The reason his regime was outsed from power was because he wanted to defend what he thought was his own land.
      This was during thd period of the Cold War. Portugal was a NATO member and there were communist funded uprisings in its colonies. Angola and Mozambique were communist. While Portugal was busy defending its lands, india saw a perfect opportunity to take Goa from them.

      While the mass torture, etc, etc, never existed in mainland portugal. Salazar is still regarded as one of the greatest Portuguese figures ever, after Alfonso the Great.
      The President
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Salazar brought economic reform, he increased literacy rate and kept portugal neutral in WW2.

      The reason his regime was outsed from power was because he wanted to defend what he thought was his own land.
      This was during thd period of the Cold War. Portugal was a NATO member and there were communist funded uprisings in its colonies. Angola and Mozambique were communist. While Portugal was busy defending its lands, india saw a perfect opportunity to take Goa from them.

      While the mass torture, etc, etc, never existed in mainland portugal. Salazar is still regarded as one of the greatest Portuguese figures ever, after Alfonso the Great.
      I’m gonna need a few sources cause all I've found is the exact opposite. Minus economic and education improvement. Even if Angola and Mozambique were commie its only cause the Soviets were the only one who would support them. All this sounds suspicious.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Well, now 'democracy', has brought Portugal to the rule of Indian Theif. Crimes have soared. Effective jail sentences are now almost zero. Drug usage has tripled.

      Salazar, Had he only resigned in the 50's, he would have been viewed more favourable. The only reason he became unpopular was because of the Portuguese colonial war. (1961-1974) and they were fighting godless commies. They had actually militarily won, but the carnation revolution happened.

      In the a national poll, he was simultaneously voted as the best and the worst Portuguese of all time....lol
      The President

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Claudio NVKP ().

    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      Angola and Mozambique were commie its only cause the Soviets were the only one who would support them.
      Why do you think the whole cold war happened And also, the soviets caused the rebellion. The Angolan and Mozambique people didn't. As I mentioned, Portugal was a part of NATO.
      They did for sure. Why out of every colonizer would Portugal they the only one where Africans preferred to stay? How do you win a guerrilla war without the peoples support? Why do the countries even exist still then?
      There were multiple movements, many not communist. It’s just that west did not support their independence because they didn’t want Portugal to drift to the communists. Therefore the most powerful faction ended up being the one that gained Soviet support. Not only that, but Portugal committed various war crimes against the people of these regions, slaughtering countless innocent people. This comes together to show that
      1. The people of these regions wanted independence
      2. Portugal committed various atrocity that were unjustifiable, even if rebels did the same (which I’m not sure of) it does NOT mean you suddenly are able to.
      Colonization was wrong, no matter what. you can’t justify it when people clearly want freedom, and Portugal is suffering already on its own.

      Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Well, now 'democracy', has brought Portugal to the rule of Indian Theif. Crimes have soared. Effective jail sentences are now almost zero. Drug usage has tripled.

      Salazar, Had he only resigned in the 50's, he would have been viewed more favourable. The only reason he became unpopular was because of the Portuguese colonial war. (1961-1974) and they were fighting godless commies. They had actually militarily won, but the carnation revolution happened.

      In the a national poll, he was simultaneously voted as the best and the worst Portuguese of all time....lol
      Don’t know where you got your sources from
      While there has been some growth in crime rate recently, Portugal is much safer than past decades, and the 6th safest country in the word, according to a study in 2022.
      As for drug use, while it may have, its because of a policy decriminalizing drug use, instead choosing to fight it in a more intellegent way, reducing suffering from drug use and reducing the amount of people dead or in jail for drug use.

      As for the poll, well thats just a nice paradox for you lol…

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      portugal is still poor.
      The 89th most populous country, 111th largest, ranks as the 48th wealthiest. While lower than other western European countries, it still preforms fairly well and is a developed country by most means.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • It also seems this was partly due to effects from the Salazar times!


      Astonishingly, the lingering effects of the dictatorship, overthrown in 1974, can also be detected, according to some businesses. They have told me that older employees or public servants often shirk responsibility, constantly referring decisions up the chain of command, the legacy of a time when it was best not to raise your head above the parapet.“
      Following the revolution in 1974, productivity growth in Portugal grew at a pace similar to that seen in developed economies. That allowed living standards to rise and begin to converge with richer economies.“

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate