Unit SPRITES simplification

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    • Unit SPRITES simplification

      Hello developers and fellow COW followers,

      I wanted to suggest an improvement for this game that I have been playing more often recently. I think that changing the game sprites into simple individual icons or having that alternative at least would greatly improve the game's overall look and feel, making it cleaner and less cluttered.

      Now why would Bytro need to do that you ask? 1) Performance, 2) Minimizing cluttered looks, 3) Being able to read and organize units immediately.

      Currently, the game has a lot of visual elements on the screen, which can be overwhelming at times. By simplifying the sprites into individual smaller icons insetad of pixelated figures, players would be able to quickly identify different game elements without feeling overwhelmed by too much information.

      Having simple icons would also make it easier for players to distinguish between different items and characters in the game, which is particularly useful in games where players need to keep track of many different things.

      I believe that this change would improve the overall user experience of the game, making it more enjoyable and accessible to all players. I encourage other players to share their thoughts and opinions on this suggestion, and for the game developer to consider implementing this change in the future.

      Thank you for listening to my suggestion, and I look forward to seeing how we can continue to improve and enhance the games we play. :saint: :D
