Karlesco Karlo and his Spain

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    • Karlesco Karlo and his Spain

      Greetings everyone, I Karl von Krass, have joined an HWW as Spain.
      I am now 'Karlesco Karlo' the leader of Spain, and if anyone has seen the Thread of Doom, you know I am Doomed. Without further ado.

      Day 1: I join as Spain in HWW. The map is quite active with Britain, France, Germany and Italy RPing.
      I was immediately invited by USSR and Brazil in the Comintern alliance, but I rejected it (where's the fun in alliances?)

      I have set upon Soloing the map.
      The Situation: There are 2 main alliances:- Germany-France-Britain coalition and Italy-Sweden coalition. Both are the only active coalitions that I see.
      Germany has 2kdr and is around lvl 140, France has 0.9kdr and is lvl 90, Britain is lvl 55 0.5kdr.

      Seeing as I have no allies, I have chosen to try to invade as many nations as possible, and have chosen 'Reconquista' that is, the naval invasion of the Atlantic nations, to reconstitute the Spanish speaking nations.
      But for this, I must start with my neighbour Portugal.
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      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • the above image was a mistake.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • I declared war on Portugal in the newspaper

      Within the next 4 hours I started an invasion of Portugal.
      I used my navy to attack Lisbon then started a beeline for it, then captured the rest of the cities within 3hrs.
      This is my victory article:

      I sent my navy straight onto Haiti to start my plans for Reconquista while Italy and sweden seek to recruit me into their coalition.
      I reject, since I am going to be unaligned throughout this, but I do not wish to go to war with everyone at once.

      Before sleeping I sent my navy to Greece to soften it up for a landing and capture 4 more cities.

      Then I slept. And disaster struck.

      France had invaded while I slept!! They destroyed a mot infantry regiment.
      I could lose Barcelona within the hour! And I have to go for exams!!!

      Now to show France why not to invade Spain. Remember 1812!

      The battle of Tarazona, France loses 4 units to me, with no losses for my side.
      Battle of Zaragoza, France loses 2 units with no losses for me.
      The capture of Barcelona, Slimy Frenchies used their navy to bomb Barcelona and capture it.

      And so day 1 ends.

      (PS: its my first time doing playthroughs for a year, and first time on phone, please be patient.)
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      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Karl von Krass ().

    • Guys, my images are not uploading 'unknown error' idk why, how to put it? I can't even remove that 'image1.png' EDIT: I think I will just rather delete this thread bruh, the images ain't working.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Karl von Krass ().

    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Karl von Krass wrote:

      Guys, my images are not uploading 'unknown error' idk why, how to put it? I can't even remove that 'image1.png' EDIT: I think I will just rather delete this thread bruh, the images ain't working.
      One at a time?
      somebody really hates me, because it ain't working. In addition to that I even tried just using 'insert image'. Edit: I have a new phone and for some reason this forum is slightly defunct in it, I think I can't use some of the features and there is errors n stuff in other areas as well.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Karl von Krass wrote:

      Guys, my images are not uploading 'unknown error' idk why, how to put it? I can't even remove that 'image1.png' EDIT: I think I will just rather delete this thread bruh, the images ain't working.
      One at a time?
      Yep, I notice the disclaimer, I am compressing the image size. Though even the compressed images are not being uploaded (it's showing error)
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Guys i finally did it, I had to convert to jpg, I will continue with this thread and bring you the TRUE glory of ESPAÑA.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Day 2: The Spanish vengeance shall be realised!!
      Spain above all!
      Spanish Dominico is standing strong, has been given the mandate to delete the French navy in the Mediterranean and relieve Barcelona from foreign occupation.

      I became very desperate and begun asking for assistance from Italy and Sweden, but they didn't see fit to respond, this leaving me alone to fight against the French armies that outnumber me 2:1.

      My first order of business was to defeat a french fleet of 6 ships and 2 Subs, destroying them with the help of 8 Nav bombers and 4 lvl 2 axis cruisers.

      During the process of sending the Frenchies under the sea, the French army launched a three pronged offensive, with attacks on Zaragoza, Bilbao and a dash to Valencia.

      The French army in the front totalled to 20 units with a further 8 under reserve.

      8 French units marched forward and cleaved a path to Bilbao capturing it within the same day, but the paramilitary militia forces managed to cut off their access to their homeland, this initiating the siege of Bilbao against the French army holed up there.
      Seeing as the French are holed up in Bilbao, I didn't want another city to fall under their control, and particularly not Valencia, my naval base.

      The majority of the Spanish army regulars marched forth and defeated the French expeditionary force, and blocked a reinforcement of 10 units.

      During the fight for the Motherland, the Spanish expeditionary forces attempted to launch a breakout and attack Haiti, but the militia unit there was destroyed.

      Over the next few hours, the tide of the war slowly shifted into my favour, with the destruction of the French Mediterranean fleet.

      The Spanish fleet steamed on and started the bombardment to liberate Barcelona, during this a Spanish forward army captured Toulouse.

      Now the French were in deep trouble, with their army shattered and disjointed, their navy in ruin and a bigger Spanish army to compete against, they sent even more reinforcements.

      The Spanish navy organized a night-time raid against the Barcelona occupation army and crippled their forces, the Spanish regulars split up and and begun their March to attack both Barcelona and Bilbao at once, liberating Barcelona and hammering the besieged army at Bilbao.
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      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Y dude. Why me ;(
      'ate the Portugal
      'ate the French
      'ate everyone
      'luv me spain

      (Also want me to rp more?)
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      Managing to solo France is great, the question now is the state of Germany. They are really the main Boss here as defeating Germany basically will make or break victory.
      about that, I think Germany is afk.
      I will play as Belgium next and destroy Germany ig.

      (I'll take it as an unwritten challenge, to see if it's possible, I will post my results or maybe a playthrough as Belgium.)
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Karl von Krass ().

    • Claudio NVKP wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      Managing to solo France is great, the question now is the state of Germany. They are really the main Boss here as defeating Germany basically will make or break victory.
      There's a way to defeat Germany.
      tbh even if the Germans supported france, I think that i could turn the tides by day 3 if they hadn't defeated me till then.
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Day 3: Vengeance upon the French!

      Justice has been served, Toulouse has fallen, Barcelona has been liberated! March onward and liberate Bilbao!

      The starting of the day saw Karlesco Karlo order his troops to form an assault against the French army besieged at Bilbao, starting an hours-long bombardment which saw the complete decimation of the French army and Spanish Air assets destroying the French fleet stationed there.
      Sadly, the city of Bilbao had been completely destroyed, with no Infrastructure remaining, but the fair Karlo saw hope in the liberated Barcelona providing enough steel to reform the Infrastructure in city.

      This day saw the development of industry all across the nation, rebuilding and strengthening the economy of the war torn areas and rural provinces

      The Spanish army saw successes overseas with the capture of coastal Algeria and morocco, with sights set on liberating the Spanish African holdings.
      The functioning steel economy saw the development of now Spanish Luanda, now to defeat Portugal Mozambique must be captured.

      However, the expeditionary army in Hispaniola faced defeat as a failed assault led to ambush and capture of the main Hispaniola division in Port-Au-Prince, bolstering the Dominican resistance to March and capture Santo Domingo. A reserve force eventually salvaged the situation and captured the city again.

      The siege of Bilbao ended with the Spanish flag once again flying in the city centre, and it marked the start of Spanish offensives, Pushing forward and capturing Bordeaux, Nantes, Marseille and Lyon, in a large protracted campaign before the end of the day.

      Across the world, Mexico has begun expansionism into Central America, Japan has overtaken Manchukuo, China has captured Macau, Persia is taking over the Middle East and war broke out with a surprise attack of Italy on UK
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      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Karl von Krass ().