gold abuse

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    • I dont normal complain about things but this is something I need to..The last 4 games I have played have been bought by golders. I have played this game since 2018. But this game will be my last. The abuse of gold has gotten so bad that its not fun to play anymore. When players dont know the game or whatever the reason just open their wallets and say I will win at what ever the cost. It makes it unappetizing at the very lest. No sense in have fun when someone just buys the game. Not sure what the point is but guess some players need a win in their other wise sorry lives...

      I understand the concept of gold use and understand that Bryto needs to earn money. But on the same token it needs to curb this ongoing and out of control gold use in games....Players are tired of these players buying games and abusing the system.....

      I will say its been fun up till the last 6 months or so but enough is enough....
    • Really it depends on luck. I have not meet a golder in a while now. You just have to be lucky and most of the time you won’t end up in games with heavy gold users. It could also be that some players that you run into are not using gold but just good at the game. I’ve been mistaken before but I don’t use gold (too) often. Just gotta keep your head up and try your best.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • I've had similar luck in the last 6 months or so. My last three games on regular maps had heavy golders, two I was able to beat, one I just archived on day two because I wasn't in the mood.

      You have a few options. There are Bytro sanctioned events and leagues you can play in that restrict usage of gold/cards. I'll warn you, they can be very competitive as they bring out a lot of good players. You can also find an alliance that has internal games or games with other honorable no gold/card alliances.

      It's still possible to play this as a strategy game; you just have to try a little harder than you are used to.
    • Ralph Octopus - 2020

      Ralph the Octopus wrote:

      I know gold is a part of the game and it pays for staff and servers but FFS. This guy in one of the games I am currently in must have spent 100s of dollars on the game so far and we are only in day 15. I dont mind spending a few bucks on the game but its way out of control when you have a player buy the game. Makes it tough to play and to want to play. At this stage I am about to say bye bye and go do something else. I know I am not the only one who has an issue with this. But the last 2 games has been the same. Its a shame too because I do like the game but cant and wont spend that kind of money to have a lot of work done for naught.
      The Saviour
    • I don't mind gold use. But heavy gold use ruins the game.

      I reckon each map should have a max limit on gold use, or a daily limit on gold use.

      I just faced someone who I was about to kill his entire 26-stack, then 10 bombers and a few extra rocket artillery came out of nowhere in his stack. This kind of behavior kills the game.

      A daily limit on gold use prevents this kind of scenario from happening.
    • SSC85 wrote:

      I don't mind gold use. But heavy gold use ruins the game.

      I reckon each map should have a max limit on gold use, or a daily limit on gold use.

      I just faced someone who I was about to kill his entire 26-stack, then 10 bombers and a few extra rocket artillery came out of nowhere in his stack. This kind of behavior kills the game.

      A daily limit on gold use prevents this kind of scenario from happening.
      Highly agree!! But kills the bottom dollar of Bye
    • my current game i having this problem. to me it so frustrating because i spent 2-3 weeks playing the game to all of a sudden have a gold user to just steam roll me. what they need to do is place an option to play matches were gold cant be used. i stopped playing the game today because of it. no way to win when they have 80 aircraft at max level...