Double Accounts

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    • Double Accounts

      So im playing in a game and ecxept the manipulation that goes around and all the sharing maps of the teamates and after that changing team and a chaos from some really ego selfish kiddos that threaten to find my IP and staff like that which amazes me in a big way.
      Number of the game is #7527155
      Name of player: Kygos Kangaroos has 2 accounts, one account he is using Ukraine which is his main nation and his second account which help him around and making other genge of armies to support him into his chaos.
      Name of Player: Overload 41 has also 2 account, Khabarovsk its his main which is doing all his dirty work and Manchuko is his secondary account
      And they also have the Communist China that this pathetic guy starting team, talking with ppl making them freinds and aftert that he is sharing their info to their friends (ukraine and Khabarovsk) and they have an eays kill
      Before the game finish they all come together and they win
      This is the 3rd game expiriencing that
      The picute was more that 2mb so i out the link of the threat he did….jpg?width=407&height=543

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jaerron ().

    • Fun Fact: When i realized and i was sure about what they are doing and manipulate meall that time ofcourse i curse them and bringed them to reality and they said they did what they did because they dont like Cyber Bullys.
      thats the new generation we live in.
      you let these players be in this community and this community is being SMALLER