How do I rank up on this page?
Rank up
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Every post you make, you get +1 points. You also get +1 point for every like which someone gives your post, and +1 points for a thread you create.
So ask good questions, and give good answers! Also get the attention of @ComradeGenz - he enjoys spam liking postsHave a blessed day -
im honured
do NOT spam or else the curse will get to you.The President
You can’t escape it… no one can.
CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate -
What the hell is even that?The President
The curse…
CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate -
but Like can someone tell me where to find the rank page or tell me how many points to rank up?
on the forum page not game
BenjB wrote:
Hello Everyone,
below the list of User Ranks and the required points. For now there are no images and the system uses the US Army ranks, which are the most common ones.
This are the requirements:
Enlisted Ranks
Rank Points Recruit 0 Private 5 Private 1st Class 10 Corporal 25 Sergeant 50 Staff Sergeant 75 Sergeant 1st Class 100 Master Sergeant 125 First Sergeant 150 Sergeant Major 175 Command Sergeant Major 200 Sergeant Major of CoW 250
Warrant Officer Ranks
Rank Points Warrant Officer 300 Chief Warrant Officer 350 Senior Chief Warrant Officer 400 Master Chief Warrant Officer 450
Line Officer Ranks
Rank Points Second Lieutenant 500 First Lieutenant 600 Captain 700 Major 800 Lieutenant Colonel 900 Colonel 1000
Flag Officer Ranks
Rank Points Brigadier General 1250 Major General 1500 Lieutenant General 2000 General 2500 General of the Army 5000 General of the Armies 10000
Points indicate the number of points (not posts) a user has. Each topic and each reply give one point and also any likes receive give one point too.
Please note: At this time, the ranks to not have any other purpose than fun. There is no bonus or benefit assigned wit having a higher rank, nor does a higher rank make a user more powerful than another! If this system happens to lead to abuse or power games, it will be removed.
The President -
Claudio NVKP wrote:
BenjB wrote:
Hello Everyone,
below the list of User Ranks and the required points. For now there are no images and the system uses the US Army ranks, which are the most common ones.
This are the requirements:
Enlisted Ranks
Rank Points Recruit 0 Private 5 Private 1st Class 10 Corporal 25 Sergeant 50 Staff Sergeant 75 Sergeant 1st Class 100 Master Sergeant 125 First Sergeant 150 Sergeant Major 175 Command Sergeant Major 200 Sergeant Major of CoW 250
Warrant Officer Ranks
Rank Points Warrant Officer 300 Chief Warrant Officer 350 Senior Chief Warrant Officer 400 Master Chief Warrant Officer 450
Line Officer Ranks
Rank Points Second Lieutenant 500 First Lieutenant 600 Captain 700 Major 800 Lieutenant Colonel 900 Colonel 1000
Flag Officer Ranks
Rank Points Brigadier General 1250 Major General 1500 Lieutenant General 2000 General 2500 General of the Army 5000 General of the Armies 10000
Points indicate the number of points (not posts) a user has. Each topic and each reply give one point and also any likes receive give one point too.
Please note: At this time, the ranks to not have any other purpose than fun. There is no bonus or benefit assigned wit having a higher rank, nor does a higher rank make a user more powerful than another! If this system happens to lead to abuse or power games, it will be removed.
Glory to the Union!
Glory to the Red Army!
Glory to the Revolution!
Marshal of the Forum High Command -
no one has ever reached the last rank.The President
CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate -
Soon, someone will, reach it surely.The President
CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate -
*spams to get last rank*
carking is closest.The President
i control these stuff here