The Flame Tank Arrived - Release Notes

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    • The Flame Tank Arrived - Release Notes

      Attention, General!

      The new Flame Tank has arrived on the battlefield! A formidable opponent, it excels at storming fortifications and wiping out unarmored opponents.
      With the Flame Tank we are also introducing a new way to deploy units on the battlefield. Starting today you’ll be able to collect Unit Cards by completing Operations. Unit Cards allow you to deploy units directly from your Inventory.
      Both the Flame Tank and other Unit Cards can be deployed in already existing game rounds. Please note that due to a bug the Flame Tank-related stats will not be displayed on the player profile with this release.

      To make collecting the new Unit Cards as enjoyable as possible we’ve added a brand new set of Operations. These new missions can be completed simply by playing the game. The game will automatically keep track of your progress. To see the goals or collect rewards head to the Operations window.

      And if you want to learn more about the Flame Tank, Unit Cards and the new Operations make sure to tune in to our livestream on October 7th, starting at 3:00 pm UTC. We’ll be playing a flaming hot 144x speedround, broadcasted LIVE on the official Bytro Youtube and Twitch channels. See you there!

      For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

      Best of luck General!

      Your Bytro Team

      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War
    • release notes wrote:

      Fixed an issue that caused the stop button to not be displayed when multiple units were selected.
      It would be nice if the "delay" button was displayed when both moving and stationary units are selected. That way if you want to cancel delay you can just select the mass of troops and cancel delay, even if some units are stationary. "Cancel delay" is a very common way people use to reset march times when provinces are captured and it's not uncommon for stationary units to be in the mix.
    • DxC wrote:

      release notes wrote:

      Fixed an issue that caused the stop button to not be displayed when multiple units were selected.
      It would be nice if the "delay" button was displayed when both moving and stationary units are selected. That way if you want to cancel delay you can just select the mass of troops and cancel delay, even if some units are stationary. "Cancel delay" is a very common way people use to reset march times when provinces are captured and it's not uncommon for stationary units to be in the mix.
      Note that in some situations the delay button does show when a stationary unit is included in the selection, but other times it does not. I'm looking at one example where if I select M1(moving) and S1(stationary) it doesn't show, but if I select M1, S1, and M2(moving) it does show. Note that in this example M2 was an artillery, so the delay may have "tagged along" with the "fire control" button.
    • YES
      Do ypu want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are you tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game?

      You are not alone, many other people share your veiws, which is why I decided to create the Improvement Party, a group dedicated to the goal of making the game more complex and less P2W.

      If you are interested, contact me to join.
    • The Flame Tank is a powerful unit that can overwhelm your enemies. Forged from the technologies that earlier made the first tanks, the Flame Tank was perfected by adding a cannon that can shoot fire from the front, burning enemy infantry and ravaging cities. The Flame Tank is perfect for "scorched-earth" tactics and overwhelming your enemy with pure strength. The Flame Tank has a stunning visual design that makes it feel right at home on the battlefield.
    • pod_than wrote:

      By the way... what unit category is flame tank?
      For the instance, railroad gun is "secret".
      Even if thick armor, it is not always category "tank".
      I want to know official fact.
      This issue has already resolved myself.
      It was my carelessness.
      Unit category of Flame tank is "tank".
      It was listed on the official wiki.
      However, if that is the case, is the statement "The following units require a Tank Plant to be produced:" correct?
    • pod_than wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      I mean, it may just be heavy armor, but made in a secret lab. Basically like rail road guns.
      Really !?I would love for you to printscreen the play screen and you to provide it for everyone to see!!
      Sorry, I didn’t say anything with a definite conclusion. I just mean that this seems to be a unit like rocket artillery that would be in the secret branch, and using an RRG as an example of a secret heavy armor unit. I have no definitive answer, though.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Also, do doctrine buffs/debuffs apply for the flame tanks?
      From what i've seen its a consistent 16 attack damage in comitern and pan asian, and the HP seems to be the same.
      It'd be logical for the FT's to be same regardless of doctrine, as in the release notes it was stated
      "Other doctrines will have access to captured Churchill Crocodile units...".
      Just wondering.
      "Its Voring time"
      Hermann Goering (TNO) -c. 1960
    • Flame tanks are armored vehicles that are equipped with flamethrowers. These tanks were first used in World War I and were primarily used to clear out enemy trenches. Flame tanks were also used in World War II and were effective in destroying enemy fortifications and bunkers. The use of flame tanks has been controversial due to the devastating effects of flamethrowers on both soldiers and civilians. Despite this, flame tanks have continued to be used in modern warfare, albeit in limited numbers. The development of more advanced weaponry has led to a decrease in the use of flame tanks in recent years.