Alliance Question

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    • Alliance Question

      What does it take to join a good alliance?
      Are there minimum level, k/d one should aim for?
      All the alliances I have joined so far don't play AvA games which I am really interested in.
      I think my stats overall are pretty good, for reference here is a 1 vs 4 from one of my current games.
      My only problem is that sometimes I join games but if too many people go AI I don't bother finishing the game so my overall % of games won is probably lower than average, would this affect my ability to join a good alliance with AvA games or even internal alliance games? Most alliances seem to be very dead.
      • Stats.png

        556.31 kB, 1,453×654, viewed 4 times
    • It all depends. Some activity and a K/D over one will get you into most, though. Every alliance is different, and you’d have to talk to their members to learn more. There are some people in these forums recruiting for their alliance, I’m sure they will talk to you here.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Rules for joining alliance is like the Wild West, every alliance will be different. Stats are just that and only tell you so much. If you want to do AvA games, don’t worry about your stats, they’ll take a beating as the caliber of opposition will be much higher.

      Most recruiting for alliances happen in game. I found my current alliance by partnering with them against a heavy gold user in a game we found ourselves on the same map.

      A lot of alliances recruit for personality as much as play skill. Mine falls in this category. Skills can be improved but it’s hard to teach someone how to be a good team player. Some alliances have stronger moral compasses too. Mine doesn’t allow gold or booster card use during games unless we’re certain another player has. We strongly discourage backstabbing of any kind as well. However other alliances are less squeamish about stuff like that.