Infantry Guide 1.5

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    • Infantry Guide 1.5

      Hello everyone! Seeing a response to my thread Guide to Call of War Combat, I decided to make this guide for infantry. More coming soon for ordnance, tanks, aircraft, ships and secret weapons.


      Day of Research: Day 1

      Combat Preference: Unarmored

      Role in Combat: Defence

      Special: Stealth in all terrain except plains
      Useful for: guarding provinces and cities from a surprise attack

      Remarks: Not a great unit, unless leveled up to atleast Level 3. Sometimes they can be used to attack when stacked up. Recently in my game as Japan in the Historic map, my ally China took over Communist China only with militia. Note that Level 1 Militia is equivalent to nothing. Level them up to atleast Level 3.


      Day of Research: Day 1

      Combat Preference: Unarmored

      Role in Combat: Best for defence, mostly used in attack

      Special: Nil
      Useful for: defence and attack

      Remarks: Infantry is the backbone of all armies. It is available from the start to research, and is good at defence (8.8 defence in cities with Pan Asian) as well as attack when stacked up. Sometimes high level infantry easily defeats light tanks. Level them up when possible.

      Motorized Infantry:

      Day of Research: Day 1 for Axis, Day 2 for Others

      Combat Preference: Unarmored

      Role in Combat: Attack

      Special: Scout
      Useful for: Quick assault on enemy lines

      Remarks: One of the best infantry units you can hope to get. It consists of Infantry mounted on transport vehicles. Brilliant at attacking enemy infantry units (6 damage when attacking as Pan Asian). Level them up to scout stealth units hidden in the terrain.

      Mechanized Infantry:

      Day of Research: Day 4

      Combat Preference: Unarmored

      Role in Combat: Attack/Defence (both have same damage values)

      Special: Only light armor unit in infantry tech branch

      Useful for: Attack

      Remarks: The only light armor unit in the infantry tech branch, it consists of infantry mounted on infantry fighting vehicles etc. Level them up to maximize their potential. They have same attack and defence values. Best infantry unit in my opinion.


      Day of Research: Day 6

      Combat Preference: Light armor, also good against unarmored

      Role in Combat: Attack

      Special: Stealth, Storms enemy fortifications and damages enemy regardless of defence bonus

      Useful for: Attack

      Remarks: The best light armor fighting unit in the infantry tech branch. Does good damage to unarmored units as well. Level them up and use them to break a hole in the vast enemy fortifications.


      Day of Research: Day 6

      Combat Preference: Unarmored

      Role in Combat: Attack (same damage values for defence if Paratroopers are in infantry form)

      Special: Paratroopers are in a transport aircraft with partial stealth and is convertible manually to infantry. Also converts to infantry in 6 hours if sent to attack (it will land on target, destroy enemy unit, then convert)

      Useful for: surprise attacks behind enemy lines

      Remarks: Not very useful unless you think otherwise. Use them in infantry form for maximum benefit.

      That's all for this guide! Hope you like it. Any suggestions welcome.
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."
    • Mech inf is King but infantry are very imp. at start. I don't believe you have even 1 game with 0 infantry at start of game and at end of game
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."
    • Wow, it has been a long time since I read a guide I so vehemently disagree with on almost every single statement)))
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • Nobodyx2 - do really have 165 maps played and 1 Coal win?
      "Es gibt keine verzweifelten Lagen, es gibt nur verzweifelte Menschen" - There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.
      General Heinz Guderian (Schneller Heinz)

      Kenny says - You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away And know when to run
    • Yeah I joked too many speed world at wars, until a few months ago when I played historic maps, and stuck to some of them
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."